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《灵界经历》 第3003节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3003

3003. A certain spirit was convinced that he could do all things by such gazes, because they do occur by permission. So he became so used to calling forth other spirits and drawing them to himself by means of that kind of looking, that from habit he presented himself entirely in the person of the other, so that he almost believed that he was the other, just as some raving, insane people do who are therefore set apart from human society in the world.

He was now looking with such a strong gaze that he was almost convinced he was the person of the other, and this with variety since the look was directed to many who were all being joined to him in such a way that they could not draw themselves back, and those he was impersonating seemed to be with him, even in the lowest earth. There those also appeared on whom he had fixed his gaze so persuasively. So I perceived his convincing look as a Las som kommer utur led, som intet kan wridas tilbakas. 1So he is like those raving people in the world, as was also confirmed. Those whom he was thus attracting also complained that they could not be set free. He had no effect on those who had true faith.


1. Swedish for "a lock that gets out of line that cannot be twisted back."

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3003

3003. A certain spirit [was] persuaded that he could effect everything by means of the like intuitions, because [these] exist from permission. Wherefore he had so much habituated himself to evoke other spirits and attract [them] to himself by means of such intuition, that from the habit [assuefactione] he has entirely put himself in the person of another, so as to believe that he is, as it were, other [persons] as is usual with those who are mad, and those who are insane, and so are secluded from human society in the world. He now [acted] by means of such a strong intuition, as to be, as it were, persuaded that he was the person of another [ejus]; and this with variation, the intuition being directed upon many, all of whom were so adjoined to him that they could not have drawn back; and they seemed to be with him in the place where he is, yet in the lowest earth. There also are presented those upon whom he has so persuasively fixed [his] intuition. Wherefore his persuasive intuition was perceived by me, as Laos som kommer utur led, som intet kan wrida tilbakars; thus he is similar to those mad in the world; which also was confirmed. They also, whom he thus attracted, complained that they could not be liberated. He had no effect [efficacam] upon those who were in true faith.

Experientiae Spirituales 3003 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3003. Quidam spiritus persuasus quod omnia posset per similes intuitiones, quia ex permissione, existunt; quare adsuefecit sibi in tantum evocare alios spiritus, et ad se attrahere per talem intuitionem, ut ex assuefactione prorsus stiterit se in alterius persona, ut crediderit quasi se alius 1

esse, sicut solent quidam vesani et qui insani sunt, et ideo seclusi a societate 2

humana in mundo; is nunc per talem intuitionem fortem [agebat], ut quasi persuasus quod esset persona ejus, et hoc cum variatione, intuitione directa in plures, qui 3

omnes ei adjungebantur ita, ut non potuissent se retrahere, et visi sunt [ii] cum eo esse in quorum 4

loco is, usque in infima terra, ibi sistebantur etiam ii, in quos intuitionem tam persuasive figebat, quare intuitio ejus persuasiva mihi percepta est, sicut Lacs som kommer utur led, som intet kan wridas tilbakas, sic similis vesanis istis in mundo, quod quoque confirmatum; quoque conquesti sunt ii, quos sic attrahebat, quod liberari non possent; in eos nullam habebat efficaciam, qui erant in vera fide.


1. sic manuscript; vide praefationem hujus editionis sub capite "Idiosyncrasies"

2. The Manuscript has societate

3. The Manuscript has plures; qui

4. in J.F.I. Tafel's edition quo

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