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《灵界经历》 第3023节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3023

3023. Consequently, since ideas thus come down into the ideas of the human memory, and since human ideas are enriched in different ways, innumerable things are joined to each of its ideas, some close, some related, some very remotely distant, some dependent upon it, and so on, with every variety according to states [of mind], and with a difference according to each person's fantasies. And many more things are joined that cannot be enumerated so readily.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3023

3023. Hence it flows, since ideas thus fall into the ideas of man's memory, and man's ideas are variously filled up [impletoe] [that] to every idea of his are adjoined innumerable things, which are proximate, which are contiguous, which are more remote as to distance, which hence are dependent: and such [ideas exist] in all variety according to states, and with a difference in every man, according to each one's phantasies. There are many other things, which cannot be so enumerated.

Experientiae Spirituales 3023 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3023. Exinde fluit, cum ideae sic cadunt in ideas memoriae hominis, et ideae hominis sint varie impletae, unicuique ideae ejus adjuncta sunt innumera, quae proxima sunt, quae affinia, quae remotiora quoad distantiam 1

, quae inde dependentia, et talia, in 2

omni varietate secundum status, et cum differentia in omni homine, secundum cujusvis phantasias, praeter plura, quae non ita numerari possint.


1. The Manuscript has distantia

2. The Manuscript has tales (sic!) m

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