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《灵界经历》 第3034节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3034

3034. Certain spirits who had not been able to understand, because [heaven] was closed [to them], were saying that they could not grasp these things, and that this was really so. It was given me to reply to them that for the same reason neither do they understand that a single action thought to be simple results from so many muscles, and thus from countless motor tissues, and still less that for a single action thought to be simple, a whole system of finer parts concurs according to their proximity and relationship [to the action], in a most amazing way-since they do not know this, and if they do not believe this which is so obvious and familiar, how can they believe that such an inflowing exists? 1748, 2 Sept.

3034. 1/2. But these spirits also were given to understand, and what surprized me at the time was that it was as though my breathing had been taken away from me, that is, that I let out my breath and was breathing inwardly. From this I somewhat understand that those spirits were then able to perceive without disturbance from me, for my outer breathing had been taken away and an inner breathing given, because the emission of air disturbs. See what is said about these [actions] in the lung, what drawing in and letting out are, if dealt with there. 11748, 2 Sept.


1. See The Animate Kingdom 330-2.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3034

3034. Certain spirits who were not able to apprehend it, because it [heaven] was closed, said that they could not comprehend these things, [and] that such was the case. It was granted to reply to them, that in like manner they do not comprehend that one action, which is regarded [as] simple, exists from so many muscles, and so from innumerable motive fibers, and from myriads of purer fibers, and still less that to one action which is considered simple, the universal system of purer parts concurs, according to proximities and affinities, in a most wonderful manner. Inasmuch as they do not know this, and if they could not believe this which is so obvious and familiar, how can they believe that there is such an influx. - 1748, September 2.

3034 1/2. But here it was also given to perceive, and I marveled thereat, that my respiration [was] then, as it were, taken away, to wit, that I left off respiration, and breathed inwardly. Hence I perceive, in some measure, that those spirits could have been able to perceive without disturbance [turba] from me; for external respiration was taken away, and internal [respiration] given. See what [is said] concerning these things in the lungs, [as to] what attraction and emission [are], if [the matter] [is treated] there. - 1748, September 2.

Experientiae Spirituales 3034 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3034. Quidam spiritus qui non poterant capere, ex causa, quod clausum, dicebant quod ea comprehendere non possent, quod ita se res haberet, quibus respondere dabatur, quod similiter nec comprehendant quod una actio quae simplex putatur, a tot musculis, et sic ab innumerabilibus fibris motricibus, et a myriadibus fibrarum puriorum existat; et minus adhuc quod ad unam actionem, quae simplex putatur, universum systema puriorum partium concurrat, secundum proximitates et affinitates, mirabilissime, cum hoc non sciunt, et si non crederent hoc, quod ita obvium, familiare, quomodo credere possunt, quod talis influxus sit? 1

1748, 2 Sept. Sed his [spiritibus] dabatur quoque percipere, et quod tunc miratus, quod mihi respiratio tunc quasi ademta, nempe quod respirationem emitterem, et intus respirarem, inde aliquantum percipio, quod sic spiritus isti potuissent absque turba a me percipere, nam respiratio externa erat adempta, et interna data, nam emissio spiritus turbat, vide quae de his in pulmone, quid attractio et quid emissio, si ibi 2

. 1748, 2 Sept.


1. The Manuscript has sit, 1748

2. cf. Regnum Animale 330-332

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