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《灵界经历》 第3061节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3061

3061. About those who want to enter heaven, when they have not yet the love of the neighbor

I was inspired to declare that it is as dangerous to come into the angelic heaven as it is into a flame, or into the greatest torment, for those who do not have the love belonging to faith. Certain ones not believing, even though it was allowed to suggest it through thought, that those whom the angels merely look at who are engrossed in things contrary to faith, seem to themselves to turn into a ball of snakes, consequently into dreadful things.

Certain ones on high toward the left, not at all worried that the angelic field is such that they cannot even approach it, wanted to do so, and it happened that angelic spirits quickly reflected it toward them, whereby the lower angelic field touched them, by which they were so smitten, and drawing back, struck with such anxiety that they almost despaired of life, as is usual in the life of the body. From this they were instructed how dangerous it is to approach heaven before they have been prepared by the Lord for receiving feelings of faith. For this reason also, some of them were saying that they never wanted to strive for heaven, before they have been prepared by the Lord. 1748, 5 Sept.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3061


(It was granted to say that for those who are not in the love of faith, it is as dangerous to enter the angelic heaven, as to enter flame or to the greatest torment. Certain [ones] did not believe this, although it was granted to insinuate through thought, that they whom the angels only inspect, and who are in contrary things to faith, seem to themselves to be turned into a ball of serpents, therefore into dreadful things. Certain ones on high, to the left, paid no regard to this, that the angelic sphere is of such a nature, that they cannot even approach it: wherefore they desired to, and it came to pass that angelic spirits immediately [cito] reflected upon them, so that thence the interior) (angelic sphere touched them, whereby they were so smitten, and drew back, and were struck with such anxiety as almost to despair of life, as is usual in the life of the body. They were hence instructed how dangerous it is to approach heaven before they are prepared by the Lord, for receiving the affections of faith. Wherefore, also certain ones said that they never wished to aspire to heaven before they are prepared by the Lord. - 1748, September 5.)

Experientiae Spirituales 3061 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3061. De iis qui volunt intrare in coelum, cum adhuc non sunt in amore proximi

Dicere dabatur, quod tam periculosum sit venire in coelum angelicum sicut in flammam, seu in cruciatum maximum, pro iis qui non in amore fidei sunt: hoc quidam non credentes, tametsi insinuare dabatur per cogitationem, quod ii quos modo angeli inspiciunt, qui in contrariis fidei sunt, sibi videantur verti in glomum serpentum, proinde in dira--quidam 1

in alto ad sinistram, id nihil [erant] curantes, quod sphaera angelica talis sit, ut ne quidem possint approximare, quare cupiebant, et factum est, quod angelici spiritus cito ad eos reflecterent, sic ut inde sphaera inferior angelica eos tetigerit, qua ita perculsi 2

erant, et se retro ferentes, et tali anxietate perciti sunt, ut fere desperarent de vita, sicut solet in vita corporis; inde instructi quam periculosum est approximare ad coelum, antequam praeparati sunt a Domino recipiendi fidei affectiones; quare etiam quidam dicebant, quod nusquam ambire vellent coelum, antequam praeparati a Domino sint. 1748, 5 Sept.


1. The Manuscript has dira: quidam

2. inclarum in the Manuscript; forte legendum cum in J.F.I. Tafel's edition est percussi, sed vide indicem ad Coelum

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