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《灵界经历》 第3112节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3112

3112. Afterwards, when this separating ceased, they acted as one person as before, and I asked them if they knew whether they rule themselves, because they had just been punished. They said they know they are not ruled by themselves, without there being discordance. Then I inquired by what lord they were ruled, whether by the dragon, which they denied, but by what other lord, they did not know. They still do not want to say by the Lord. For without agreement toward one purpose, and without the Lord, by whom they are held in agreement-such as thinking that they also control me and are as a person on earth, thus everyone, no matter how many, are thus held in agreement - [without Him] their purpose is that of their character, a purpose that does not hold them in agreement, but carries the spirit of one against the other. 1748, 9 1Sept.


1. The autograph has 8.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3112

3112. Afterwards, this separation ceased, and they acted like a single [una] person as before. I spoke with them [asking] if they knew whether they rule themselves, for their mind [had just been subject] [is ruled] to [by] punishment: they said that they know that they are not ruled by themselves, because then there is discord. Then I inquired by what Lord [were they ruled]: whether by the dragon: this they denied; or whether by somebody else. They did not know. They were not yet willing to say that [they were ruled] by the Lord: for they think that without concurrence [agreement] to one end, and without the Lord, by whom they are kept in agreement: they may [even themselves] thereby manage me, [and] that they are as it were, the man. Thus [thinks] everyone: no matter how many there are. They are kept in such agreement. [This] is the end [that accords with] their nature. Such end does not keep them in agreement, but carries [brings] their souls one against another. - 1748, September 8.

Experientiae Spirituales 3112 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3112. Postea, cessante hac separatione, sicut una persona, ut prius [3110], agebant, cum uibus loquutus, an scirent, num semet regant, quia recens a poena; dicebant quod sciant se a semet non regi, quin 1

tunc discordia; tum interrogatum a quonam domino, num a dracone, quod negabant, sed an a quonam alio, nesciebant; nondum volunt dicere quod a Domino: nam absque consensu in unum finem, et absque Domino, a Quo tenentur in consensu--per 2

id quod putent se quoque agere me, quod sint sicut homo {a}, ita unusquisque, utcunque plures sunt, ita tenentur in consensu--finis 3

est eorum naturae, qui finis non tenet eos in consensu, sed fert unius animum contra alterum. 1748, 8 4



1. in J.F.I. Tafel's edition quia

2. The Manuscript has consensu, per

3. The Manuscript has consensu, finis

4. forte erronee pro 9

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