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《灵界经历》 第3232节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3232

3232. From this I was given to learn that evil spirits are compelled to sleep when they are with someone, and thus to cause the person to sleep, and to sleep well, even though surrounded by evil spirits. Otherwise they would surely lay a trap for the person, as they desire to do for everyone, realizing then, if they are not asleep, that they were spirits, separate from him or her. Lest this should happen, spirits must sleep. This was just now revealed to me. 1748, 21 Sept.

When they know no otherwise than that they are the person, then they do no harm. This would be to harm themselves. But when the person is sleeping and they are awake, then they are able to know [that they are separate]. 1748, 21 Sept.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3232

3232. Hence it was granted me to know that evil spirits are compelled to sleep with [apud] man, and so cause that man may sleep: yea, soundly [bene] although surrounded with evil spirits. Otherwise, should they also lay snares for man, as they desire [to do] to [for] everyone, they would then perceive, if not asleep, that they were spirits separated from man. That this may not happen, spirits ought to sleep. This was now disclosed to me. - 1748, September 21. When they do not know other than that they are man, they then do not injure: this would be [to injure] themselves; but when man sleeps, and they are awake, they then can know it. - 1748, September 21.

Experientiae Spirituales 3232 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3232. Exinde datum mihi scire, quod mali spiritus cogantur dormire apud hominem, et sic facere, ut homo dormiat, etiam bene, tametsi malis spiritibus circumcintus esset, aliter quoque insidiarentur homini, sicut cupiunt unicuique, percipientes tunc, si non in somno, quod spiritus essent, separati ab homine; quod ne fiat, spiritus debent dormire; hoc mihi nunc detectum est. 1748, 21 Sept. Quando non sciunt aliter quam quod homo sint, tunc non nocent, hoc foret sibi, at cum homo dormit, et ii vigilant, tunc possunt id scire. 1748, 21 Sept.

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