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《灵界经历》 第3366节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3366

3366. Afterwards they operated at that middle distance, at that location, by means of dreadful fantasies that I was not permitted to grasp or see so well, for they were most cruel ones against the Lord, Whom they mangled, dismembered, and tore to pieces by dreadfully cruel methods in which their pleasure, and thus their life, consists, and in such their turmoil under the rock. For the fantasies operate simultaneously with passions, and that is what Mark says regarding the temptations of the Lord in the wilderness, that He fought with the wild beasts, and was abandoned to them [Mark 1:13].

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3366

3366. (Afterwards they operated in that middle distance, or in that place, by means of dreadful phantasies, which it was not permitted to perceive and see so [well], for they were of the cruelest sort against the Lord, whom with dreadful cruelties they mangled, tore, and cut up. In such [things] consists their pleasantness, and thus their life; their tumult under the rock [consisted] in such things. For phantasies operate simultaneously with cupidities, and this is what Mark says concerning the temptations of the Lord in the desert: that he fought with wild beasts, and was set before them.)

Experientiae Spirituales 3366 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3366. Postea operati sunt in media ista distantia, seu in loco isto, per diras phantasias quas percipere et videre ita non permissum, nam crudelissimae erant contra Dominum, Quem diris crudelitatibus lacerabant 1

, discerpebant, et dilaniabant; in talibus consistit eorum jucunditas, et sic eorum vita: in talibus eorum tumultus sub petra; nam operantur simul phantasiae cum cupiditatibus, et hoc est, quod Marcus dicit de tentationibus Domini in deserto, quod pugnavit cum feris bestiis, ac iis objectus [I: [13].


1. The Manuscript has lacerebant

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