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《灵界经历》 第3394节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3394

3394. He then spoke with me and was in the same place as before, and he was surprised that he was now different, not knowing that he had undergone such contortions, just surprised that he was different, saying then that he had changed, because now he was in the company of inward spirits. But still he was shown that he could be brought back into the earlier state. In that state of a first inauguration into an angelic one, it was granted him, inwardly moved, to praise the Lord, and to give thanks. I was allowed also to feel some of his emotion, because he still resisted due to his desire for glory during his life, which was so great as to exceed the desires of almost all others. He was almost of this character, yet still to a lesser extent, as were the Romans in their time, but the Romans were braver than he. But it was shown that the Romans' bravery was insane.

Thus he achieved this reformation as if in sleep, without knowing it. And this is the first reformation.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3394

3394. He then spoke with me, and was in the same place as before, and wondered that he was now different, being ignorant that he has undergone such contortions; he only wondered that he [is] different; therefore says that he [has been] changed because [he is] now in the company of interior spirits; but still it was shown that he could be reduced to his former state. In that state of first inauguration into the angelic [principle] it was granted him, that when he praised the Lord with interior motion and gave thanks, it was also granted him to feel something of his motion, inasmuch as there is still a resistance from his desire of glory in life, which was of such a character as to nearly exceed the desires of all others. He was almost of such a character but still to a less extent, as were the Romans in their time, but the Romans were braver than he. But it was shown that the bravery of the Romans was mad.

Thus he acquired this reformation, as it were, in sleep, he being ignorant [thereof]; and it is the first reformation.

Experientiae Spirituales 3394 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3394. Loquutus mecum dein et erat in eodem loco, quo prius, et miratus quod nunc alius, nesciens quod subierit talls contorsiones, modo miratus quod alius, sic dicens, quod mutatus, quia nunc in consortio spirituum interiorum, sed usque ostensum, quod reducibilis in statum pristinum; in statu isto primae inaugurationis in angelicum, datum ei, ut cum motione interiore laudaret Dominum, et gratias ageret, aliquam etiam ejus motionem sentire dabatur, quia adhuc renisus est, ex ejus in vita cupidine gloriae, quae talis fuit, ut excederet cupidines aliorum fere omnium. Talis fuit fere, sed usque minus, sicut suo tempore Romani, sed Romani erant fortiores eo. Sed ostensum quod Romanorum fortitudo 1

erat vesana.

Ita nactus hanc reformationem sicut in somno, eo nesciente, estque prima reformatio.


1. The Manuscript has fortide (cf. indicem ad Romani)

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