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《灵界经历》 第3416节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3416

3416. I was shown how he wrapped up all those whom he had thus collected by fantasies in a large net, for he exhibited by fantasies a large net so that they would be wrapped up, and would grieve. But they were let out, in a mass. I saw only one wrapped up, I do not know who, and when I asked, they exhibited various persons, for it was their custom thus to substitute now this person, now that one.

When there was no one in the net, that wicked spirit complained. And then one who was enclosed in the net, wandered in the net into various quarters below my feet by a variety of bendings. It was imparted to me that it was that spirit who was bringing on the fantasies. But about the varied wandering out in the farthest part of the net in which he had been enclosed, it would be too much to write, for the bendings were many. 1748, 30 Sept.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3416

3416. It was shown me that all those whom he thus collected, he involved [wrapped] in a great net: for [by his] phantasies he induced a great net, so that they were involved [therein] and also lamented: but were let out, aggregated in balls [conglobatim]. It seemed that only one was involved: who [it was] I do not know; when I asked they induced [the appearance of] various persons: for such is their custom, that they substitute now this one, now that; who was enclosed in the net, that execrable spirit complained; and then one who was enclosed in the net, spread [exspatiatus] himself within the net, into various regions under my feet by various flexures. It was insinuated in me, that it was that spirit who induced phantasies. But concerning the various spreading [exspatiatione] of the last part of the net where he was enclosed, it would be prolix to write, for the flexures were numerous. - 1748, September 30.

Experientiae Spirituales 3416 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3416. Ostensum mihi, quod omnes eos quos collegit ita phantasiis involveret reti magno, inducebat enim per phantasias magnum rete, sic ut involverentur, et quoque lamentarentur, sed emissi sunt, conglobatim; visum modo quod unus involveretur, non scio quinam; cum quaererem, inducebant varias personas, nam sic eorum mos, ut substituant nunc hunc nunc illum; cum nullus in reti, conquestus is nefandus spiritus est; et tunc unus qui inclusus reti, in reti exspatiatus in varias plagas subter pedes meos, per varios flexus, insinuatum mihi quod esset is spiritus, qui inducebat phantasias. Sed de exspatiatione varia 1

partis ultimae retis, ubi inclusus erat, prolixum foret scribere, nam flexus erant multi. 1748, 30 Sept.


1. The Manuscript has exspatiatione, varia

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