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《灵界经历》 第3428节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3428

3428. About those who reject all faith, and only believe in life

There was a certain barely noticeable spirit who spoke with me at first by mental imagery, later applying himself to my left ear but upside down - his head downward and feet upward - and so he spoke into my ear. This he did two or three times, and I did not know who he was or of what persuasion.

Afterwards it was disclosed to me by actual conversation and inner vision that such spirits were the kind who so reject faith that they are unwilling even to hear about faith, or about spiritual knowledge, considering these to be the tree of knowledge that deceived Eve and Adam. They only remain fixed upon life, speaking about life and other matters, and are therefore believers in the opposite - such as those called Lutherans, being those who claim that faith by itself saves without works. These, however, do not say that faith which they so entirely reject that they are unwilling to hear it named, saves, (so they are rather convinced that it condemns), but speak only about life - which of course is what they call life, and is in fact devoid of higher knowledge - claiming that unless there is this kind of life, there is nothing.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3428


There was a certain spirit, somewhat obscurely visible, who first spoke with me by ideas, and afterwards applied himself to my left ear, but in an inverted position, his head downwards and his feet upwards, 1and thus spoke two or three times in my ear, while I knew not who he was or of what character. It was afterwards disclosed to me by living discourse and by perceptions, that of such a quality are those who reject faith so decidedly that they are unwilling to hear of faith or of knowledges, which they think to be the tree of knowledge that deceived Eve and Adam; and while they insist much upon life, speaking largely of it, and otherwise exalting it, the case is the same [i. e., they appear inverted] with those also who believe [and maintain] the contrary, viz., such as are called Lutherans, who say that faith alone without works saves. The former maintain that faith, which they so entirely reject as to be unwilling to have it named or to hear of it, does not save; indeed they are rather in the persuasion that it damns, [as is to be inferred] from their speaking only of life, as if that alone were life which they call such, though apart from knowledge; and insisting that if it is not such, it is nothing.


1. The inversion here spoken of is to be regarded as the effect of a strong contrary persuasion. To a certain state of mind a spirit in a directly opposite state appears in the manner here described. In the present life the encasement of the spirit in a material body, prevents the effect from being realized as it is in the other. But even here it is easy to apprehend that to a rigid Papist, for instance, a Protestant must appear as to his moral posture, the opposite of himself, like his own image seen in the water; and so vice versa with the Protestant. They will of course be antipodes to each other if their feet are in contact. Yet each appears to himself normally erect. It seems, however, from what follows, that in some cases, where the sphere of the contrary persuasion is peculiarly strong, that its effect may enter the consciousness of the inverted party, and he may be aware that the other regards him as inverted, and on this ground he may not only be said to be inverted, but may be in a measure sensible of the effect. -Tr.

Experientiae Spirituales 3428 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3428. De iis qui omnem fidem rejiciunt, et modo vitam credunt

Erat quidem, qui inconspicuus, et primum per ideas mecum loquutus, et mox sinistrae [meae] auri applicatus, sed inversus, capite deorsum, et pedibus sursum, et sic loquutus in aurem, et hoc bis et ter, [ego] nesciens quinam et ex quanam opinione: postea detegebatur mihi [per] vivam loquelam et perceptiones, quod essent tales, qui rejiciunt dem, sic ut ne quidem audire velint de fide, nec de cognitionibus, quas putant esse arborem scientiae, quae decepit Evam et Adamum: et modo manent in vita, loquendo de vita, et alia, ita sunt qui contrarium credunt, nempe qui Lutherani vocantur, sunt qui solam fidem salvare absque operibus, dicunt, hi autem quod non fides, quam ita rejiciunt ut ne quidem eam nominari aut audire volunt, salvet, ita potius in persuasione, quod damnet, loquendo solum de vita, ut scilicet talis sit, quod vitam vocant, et quidem absque cognitione, dicentes, nisi vita talis, nihil esse.

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