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《灵界经历》 第3430节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3430

3430. He who so appeared, exhibited as naked, lying on his back, and of a snowy color, was declaring that he is nothing, imagining that life consists above all in this. He said it repeatedly - that he is nothing - for which reason and because he was scarcely visible the evil spirits could do him no harm; for this was due to his conviction of being nothing and of his life consisting in that. But in what way "being nothing" I was unable to discern in his conviction as it was communicated to me - only that it did not come from humility toward the Lord nor from any admission that nothing was in him but evil and filth. For they imagine they are pure (they do not say holy), so that his (or their) conviction was that he was then pure, and there was nothing evil, much less filthy, in them, and therefore that all evil and filth had been washed away.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3430

3430. He who thus appeared, being exhibited naked, supine, and snowy, said that he was nothing, thinking that life chiefly consisted in that, and this [he reiterated] often, that he was nothing; for which reason, and because he was so imperceptible, evil spirits were unable to harm him, for it was his persuasion that he was nothing, and in that persuasion lay his life; but in what manner or respect he was nothing, I was not able to perceive, only [that he said it] not from humility towards the Lord, nor from the consciousness that there was nothing but what was evil and impure in himself, for this he did not admit, as [all such] deem themselves pure, though they do not say holy. But his or their persuasion was, that he was then pure, and that there was nothing of evil, still less of defiled, pertaining to them, thus that all evil and defilement were washed away.

Experientiae Spirituales 3430 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3430. Is qui ita apparuit, ostensus nudus supinatus et niveus, is dicebat, quod nihil sit, et in eo potissimum vitam consistere putans, et hoc saepius, quod nihil sit, quare et quia sic inconspicuus, spiritus mali nihil mali ei facere potuerunt, nam ex persuasione ejus erat, quod nihil sit, et sic in eo ejus vita, sed quomodo nihil esse, in communicata ejus persuasione non ita potui percipere, modo quod non ex humilitate erga Dominum, nec ex eo quod in eo nihil nisi malum et spurcum, hoc non admittens, quia [se] putant sic puros esse (non dicunt sanctos ) quare ejus seu eorum persuasio erat, quod tunc purus, et nihil mali minus spurci apud eos, ita quod omne malum et spurcum ita abstersum.

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