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《灵界经历》 第3463节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3463

3463. But that preacher was suddenly snatched away from them toward my left ear and came below it a little, speaking now almost like a reproving spirit, whose speech cannot easily be described. At first it was like the grinding of teeth, then like a similar sound in the abdomen, and a pouring forth of words. Speaking in this manner he confessed that he had been like this in bodily life, that is, as described - how he had delighted in promiscuous adulteries of wives, and thus that he had not only approved of them, but had even participated in them.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3463

3463. But the preacher being suddenly caught away from them, comes towards my left ear, and a little below, speaking almost like a boisterously chiding spirit though his speech cannot well be described. He first makes a grinding noise with his teeth, then a similar one in the abdomen, belching forth his words, as it were, and in this kind of utterance confesses that he was in the life of the body of the character above described, that he delighted in promiscuous adulteries, and not only approved of them but actually practiced them.

Experientiae Spirituales 3463 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3463. Sed praedicator iste subito ereptus ab iis ad sinistram aurem meam et infra paulum venit, tunc loquens fere sicut spiritus increpator, cujus loquela non facile describi potest, primum sicut stridens dentibus, tum sicut stridens in abdomine, et egurgitans voces, sic loquens confessus quod talis fuerit in vita corporis, nempe sicut descriptum, quam promiscua adulteria uxorum dilexerit, et sic quod ea non solum approbaverit, sed etiam iis interfuerit.

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