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《灵界经历》 第3473节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3473

3473. What appears clear to a person on earth, is obscure to good spirits, and so on; and the reverse

In speaking with spirits I said that it had to be so written so that people on earth may understand and perceive, for if it were written according to the understanding and perception of spirits and angels, it would be so obscure to people on earth that they would see hardly anything, as if they were engulfed in darkness, while good spirits and angels can hardly believe this, because they are in light and therefore conclude automatically that that must be light to mankind which is light to them. So I was prompted to tell them that what is obvious and clear to mankind, the same would be obscure to spirits who both understand and see the mental imagery of thought; likewise that what is obvious and clear to spirits, would be obscure to angels because they are in the light and are moved by mental imagery. For if angels perceived things in the same way as spirits, then they would be perceiving them crudely, therefore in darkness. Consequently the reverse axiom follows, i.e. that what is obscure to people on earth, the same is obvious and clear to spirits, and what is obscure to spirits is obvious and clear to angels. 1748, 4 Oct.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3473


I spoke with spirits to the effect, that I ought to write in such a manner that men would understand and perceive its drift; for if I wrote according to the understanding and perception of spirits and angels, it would be so obscure to man that be would scarcely apprehend anything; it would be in fact involved in darkness, although spirits, good spirits, and angels, can scarcely believe it, because, being in light themselves, they naturally conclude that that would be clear to men which is clear to them. It was therefore given to say to them, that that which is clearly manifest to men would be obscure to spirits, who understand and perceive the ideas of thought. In like manner that which is clearly manifest to spirits would be obscure to angels, because they are in the light and affection of ideas; for if angels perceived in the same manner with spirits, their perceptions would be gross, and as if clouded by darkness. It follows, moreover, on the other hand, that what is obscure to man, is manifest and clear to spirits; and what is obscure to spirits, is manifest to angels. - 1748, October 4.

Experientiae Spirituales 3473 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3473. Quod clarum apparet homini, hoc spiritibus bonis obscurum, et sic porro, ut et vicissim

Loquutus cum spiritibus, quod ita scribendum, ut homines intelligant et percipiant, nam si secundum intellectum et perceptionem spirituum et angelorum scriberetur, quod ita obscurum foret homini, ut vix quicquam videret, sicut foret in mediis tenebris, tametsi spiritus et [spiritus] boni et angeli vix id possunt credere, quia in luce sunt, sic ex semet autumant, quod lux foret homini, quod lux iis; quare datum est iis dicere, quod id quod manifestum et clarum homini, hoc spiritibus qui ideas cogitationis et intelligunt et percipiunt, idem foret obscurum; similiter quod manifestum et clarum spiritibus, hoc foret obscurum angelis, quia in luce et affectione idearum sunt, nam si angeli ita perciperent ac spiritus, tunc crasse perciperent, proinde sicut tenebrose: exinde vicissim sequitur, quod id quod obscurum homini est, hoc manifestum et clarum spiritibus est: et quod obscurum spiritibus, hoc manifestum est angelis. 1748, 4 Oct.

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