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《灵界经历》 第3483节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3483

3483. A hand was shown to me before my left eye, at the sight of which I was prompted to realize that it symbolized their liberation from that fantasy. For as long as a person on earth or a spirit hold themselves in the fantasy regarding a created universe either from eternity, according to the philosophy of a certain ancient person, or if not from eternity, they slip into dreadful fantasies about the origin of God from nature, thus about nature being God.

[2] And once that fantasy has been imbibed, and as long as they are still corporeal-minded, as said [3476-3478], it recurs easily and of its own accord, and thus rules, and they confirm themselves in the notion that nature is God - especially those who are geometricians, who think there is nothing that transcends and is higher than that to which geometry penetrates, when yet the utmost extent of geometry cannot even reach the detection of the process by which the excrement is discharged; nor at all of the forms of the intestines, which lie a long way above geometric reckoning of infinities.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3483

3483. There was shown to me a hand before the left eye, upon the sight of which it was given to perceive that it signified that they were inveigled by such a phantasy; for as long as man or spirit holds himself in phantasy respecting the creation of the world, whether, according to the opinion of one of the ancient philosophers, it was from eternity, or not, they are borne away into direful conceits respecting the orientation of God from nature, thus respecting nature that it is God. This phantasy once imbibed, so long as they remain thus corporeal, as remarked above, easily and spontaneously recurs, and thus obtains the mastery; and if they confirm themselves, [they will maintain] that nature is God, especially the geometricians, who think that nothing can go beyond or rise above their science, when yet the utmost extent of geometry cannot reach to the point of detecting the coarsest process of fecal secretion; and as to the form of the intestines, geometry with its whole array of infinites cannot grasp it at all.

Experientiae Spirituales 3483 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3483. Ostensa mihi erat manus ad sinistrum oculum, qua visa percipere dabatur, quod significaret quod deliberarentur a phantasia tali, nam quamdiu se tenet homo aut spiritus in phantasia de mundo creato vel ab aeterno, secundum philosophiam veteris cujusdam, vel si non ab aeterno, quod labantur in diras phantasias de ortu Dei ex natura, ita de natura quod Deus; et phantasia quae semel imbuta, quamdiu ita corporei sunt, ut dictum [3476-3478], facile et sua sponte recurrit, et sic regnat, et se confirmant, quod natura Deus, cumprimis ii qui geometrici sunt, qui putant nihil dari quod transcendat, et superius sit, quam quo geometria penetret, cum tamen geometriae extensio talis est, ut ne quidem ad detectionem operationum excrementorum excrementi se extendere possint; et ne hilum ad formarum intestinorum, quae longe supra geometricum calculum infinitorum sunt.

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