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《灵界经历》 第3485节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3485

3485. About Dippel 1

For some time there was someone at my left side attempting to do wicked things. I did not know who he was because he behaved in quite a stealthy manner, in such a way that I was hardly conscious of him, yet I was still given to be aware [of his presence]. It was even as if he were in me on the left side, so I called him the worst devil, as he then withdrew, speaking a little in front, but he brought along a general aura of mental imagery that is indescribable. So it was not a mental image of personal matters, even though he spoke as if from what was personal - for all speech consists of personal things. This aura I do not recall having felt before, or that anyone could speak in this way in a general aura as he could. The aura was therefore one of his nature, such that he was not tied down to any principles but was against all in general, whoever it might be, and whatever principle the other might hold, and of whatever faith the other might be. So he was against all, whom he was able to refute and censure ingeniously, yet he himself knowing nothing of goodness and truth. I was afterwards amazed that such ingenuity could exist, that anyone could so skilfully refute, and so sharply sting others, yet not from any higher knowledge of truth.


1. In Latin known as Christianus Democritus; see R.L. Tafel, Documents, vol. II:2, p. 1133-9.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3485


A certain one was for some time at my left side, who attempted wicked things; I did not know who he was, because he acted with much subtlety, so that I was scarcely aware of his influence, but yet it was given me to perceive it. He was also, as it were, within me on the left side, and I called him a most vile devil. He then receded to a station in front a little higher up, and spoke, but he induced a common [or general] sphere of ideas, which cannot be described. It was however such that there was no idea of particulars, and yet he spoke as if from particulars, for all discourse is of particulars. A similar sphere I do not recollect of having perceived before, that is, of one's speaking in such a general kind of sphere. His sphere therefore was the sphere of his nature, the nature of one who was bound to no principles, but was in general opposed to all, whoever they might be, of whatever principle or whatever faith. He therefore arrayed himself against all, and could ingeniously refute and vilify them, while he himself knew nothing of truth and good. I afterwards wondered that such a genius [or character] should exist - one that could refute others with so much dexterity, and sting them so keenly, when yet it was not from the knowledge of truth.

Experientiae Spirituales 3485 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3485. De Dippelio

Quidam a latere meo sinistro aliquantum erat, qui scelesta tentavit, [ego] non sciens quis esset, quia admodum subtiliter egit, ita ut vix perciperem sed usque dabatur percipere, erat quoque sicut intus in me a latere sinistro, quare vocabam eum diabolum pessimum, [is] tunc recedens et antrorsum paulum supra loquens, sed induxit sphaeram communem idearum, quae describi nequit, sic ut particularium non esset idea, sed usque loquebatur, sicut ex particulari, nam omnis loquela est particularium; talem sphaeram non memini prius percepisse, quod aliquis loqui posset, ita in sphaera communi sicut is, sphaera itaque erat ejus naturae, ut nullis alligatus principiis sed in communi contra omnes esset, quicunque esset, et qualicunque principio, et ex quacunque fide esset, ita contra omnes, quos refellere et vituperare quasi ingeniose potuit, sed is tamen nihil scire quid bonum et verum, miratus postea, quod tale ingenium daretur, qui tam dextre alios refellere, et tam acute pungere posset, cum non ex cognitione veri.

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