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《灵界经历》 第3496节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3496

3496. About those who act upon the good feelings of people on earth, bending them to side with them

There was a certain one known to me in life (but whose motives and modes of action were not known to me at the time), who was highly regarded above others in his day for his gifts of genius. When I spoke with him, he streamed in in the usual way, which hardly differed from the flowings in from those who act without any definite principles, but he did not concern himself with any other things than those that are pleasant to a person, and are called good feelings. With these he identified, as when he would bring in little children, and with them present lovely performances in order to allure the good, and such actions, in this way attracting people's minds through their good feelings.

It was found, indeed, that he had a conscience and was unwilling to act against his conscience of what is good and true. I also sensed his tenderness in not wanting to harm those who loved each other mutually - as when [he presented] a little child encircled with rays, carried by the mother, as the infant Lord is portrayed in some places, and when they said that he should stop this, he replied that he would not stop, except so that the Lord might save him.

[2] Because he was of the kind who acted upon good feelings, together with those like himself; and at the same time because he could be moved by a certain tenderness of conscience, he was welcomed in a society of those of the same character, and was working from there by a gentle inflow that cannot be more aptly described than if I should call it something pearly, and yet fluid, and indeed working into the tunic of the left eye. They were wanting to get within it, even though they are assigned to the outer tunics of the left eye. Their blowing was rather chilly - I feel a coldness now, especially in the region of the left knee.

He also flowed in by breathing into the left side of the chest, in no other way than beneficially, according to my sensation, as far as I know at present. So they are the kind who interact with the outer tunics of the left eye. 1748, 7 Oct. They are therefore those who with a kind of conscientious tenderness protect all things pertaining to the left eye.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3496


There was a certain spirit whom I knew during his life, although ignorant of his ruling motives and modes of action, but who in his time was highly esteemed for his endowments of intellect. With this person I conversed, and he flowed-in in a general manner, his influx differing but little from that of those who act without any fixed principles of art [or method]; but as he assumed only such things as are agreeable to a man, and are termed good affections, to these he assented; as for example he would introduce infants, and thence exhibit pleasant spectacles, as it were, and such like things, that he might allure the good. In this manner he attracted their minds through their good affections. It was discovered also that he was possessed of conscience, as he was unwilling to do anything contrary to the sense of goodness and truth. I perceived also his tenderness, that he would not harm those who were in mutual love, which love was represented by an infant surrounded by rays and carried by a mother, as the Lord when an infant is sometimes represented. When he was told to desist [from this conduct], he said he would not desist unless the Lord should save him; and because he was of such a quality as to act by good affections, and the like, and because he could be prompted by a certain tenderness of conscience, he was received to the society of those of similar stamp, and thence acted by a gentle influx which cannot better be described than by comparing it to something pearly and yet flowing, and [which was directed] to the tunic of the left eye. [Those of this character] acted by their wills inwardly, but yet they are those who pertain to the outer tunics of the left eye. Their afflatus is somewhat cool, and this coolness is now felt especially in the region of the left knee. He flowed in also by respiration into the left side of the breast, affecting my sensation, as far as I know rather pleasantly than otherwise. Such therefore are those who correspond to the outer tunics of the left eye. - 1748, October 7. They are those moreover who, from a peculiar tenderness of conscience, protect whatever belongs to the left eye.

Experientiae Spirituales 3496 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3496. De iis qui per bonas affectiones hominum agunt, et ad suas partes flectunt

Erat quidam in vita notus, mihi tunc quoad ejus intentiones et modos agendi ignotus, aestimatus suo tempore quoad dotes ingenii prae aliis, cum eo loquutus, et tunc influebat communi modo, sic ut vix differret quoad influxiones ab iis qui absque principiis certis agunt, sed is non assumebat alia, quam quae erant homini jucunda, et quae bonae affectiones dicuntur, iis assentiebatur, sicut quod infantes introduceret, et inde sisteret amaena quasi spectacula, ut alliceret bonos, et similia, ita animos ad se attrahebat per eorum affectiones bonas, compertum etiam quod conscientia praeditus, ut agere contra conscientiam boni et veri non vellet, percepi etiam ejus teneritudinem, quod non laedere vellet eos, qui semet mutuo amabant; sicut etiam quod infantem radiis cinctum a matre gestatum, sicut Dominus infans repraesentatur in quibusdam locis, cumque dicerent, quod hoc intermitteret, dixit quod non intermitteret, nisi ut Dominus eum salvaret; quia talis erat ut per bonas affectiones ageret, et cum similibus, et simul quod moveri possit quadam conscientiae teneritate, receptus est in societate eorum, qui tales sunt, et inde agebat per influxum lenem qui non facile describi potest, ut si dicam margariticum, sed usque fluidum, et quidem in oculi sinistri tunicam, volebant introrsum, sed usque sunt ii qui addicati sunt oculi sinistri tunicis externis, afflatus eorum est frigidiusculus, frigidum etiam sentitur nunc in regione genus sinistri praecipue: et porro influebat respiratione in sinistrum latus pectoris, quoad meam sensationem, non nisi quam bene, quantum adhuc scio: tales itaque sunt, qui oculi sinistri tunicis externis correspondent. 1748, 7 Oct. Sunt itaque ii qui ex quadam teneritate conscientiae tutantur ea quae sunt oculi sinistri.

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