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《灵界经历》 第3512节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3512

3512. Also it was shown how some were raised up into the realm of inward angelic spirits, where their waving speech of mental imagery became so subtle that I was amazed - in fact they had become so refined that I could hardly understand it, and supposed that I had come among angels. For by a process of refinement they almost vanished beyond my perception, portrayed as a sparse shining cloud wholely within that aura - head, body and feet, thus not, like others, having their feet in the lower world of spirits. But it was said that those who had been raised up do not at all think about spiritual things, but only about how they can be subtle in this manner. This, like previously [3393] is only the first plane on the way to being among [angels].

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3512

3512. It was shown also that when they were elevated to the sphere of interior and angelic spirits, the speech of their ideas was undulating, and became so wonderfully subtilized that I could scarcely perceive it. From their thus almost vanishing from my perception, I supposed that they were among the angels. They were represented as a thin whitish cloud, in which they were wholly in that sphere, not only the head and body, but also the feet, unlike most others who have their feet in the lower world of spirits. But it was said that those thus elevated think nothing of spiritual things, but only how they may become thus subtilized, which as before hinted, is only a kind of first plane, on which it is possible for them to come into connection [with a higher sphere].

Experientiae Spirituales 3512 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3512. Ostensum quoque, quod sublati quidam in sphaeram spirituum interiorum, angelicorum, ubi undans eorum idearum loquela erat tam subtilis, ut mirarer, imo in tantum subtilisati erant, ut vix eam perciperem, putans quod inter angelos, nam per subtilitatem evanescebant paene a mea perceptione, repraesentati ut nubes tenuis candescens, tota intra eam sphaeram, tam caput, corpus, quam pedes, ita non ut alii qui pedes suos haberent in mundo spirituum inferiori; sed dicebatur, quod ii qui sublati, nihil cogitent de spiritualibus, sed modo quod possint esse ita subtiles, quod, ut prius [3393], est solum planum primum ut possint interesse.

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