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《灵界经历》 第3538节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3538

3538. How angelic spirits regard events

By a spiritual mental image communicated by angelic spirits, I saw that they regard things that occur in such a way that they see in the very least things that the Lord is arranging and permitting. They are constantly viewing mentally everything that happens as being by the Lord's arrangement and permission - but not as people on earth and spirits who are not good, or as evil spirits, wishing the Lord to arrange all things according to their views, fantasies and passions, and when things do not so turn out, doubting and denying providence.

This attitude is due to the fact that they have no faith, and then, from their fantasies, want the universe down to the least details to be ruled in no other way than the way they would rule it; nor can they nor will they acknowledge that all things to the very least are done in a way that the person is unaware, for thus we may be kept in a state of faith, or brought into that of angelic spirits (just being discussed), and may not be worried about things to come and trust in our own wisdom. This is the reason why those who have faith seldom obtain what they desire when they desire it, but still obtain it afterwards, when they are no longer thinking about it - if it is things of use to them. In the night, 1748, 11 Oct.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3538


I perceived by a spiritual idea communicated by angelic spirits, that they so regard existing things as to recognize the Lord's disposal and permission in every particular. They unceasingly look upon the events that occur as proceeding from the Lord thus disposing and permitting, yet not as men, or non-evil, or evil spirits do, who would fain have the Lord dispose things according to their views, phantasies, and cupidities, and when they happen otherwise give way to doubt and deny a providence; all which flows from the fact that they are not in faith, and thus from their phantasies would have the universe and all its details governed just as they would govern it themselves. They neither can nor will acknowledge that all and singular events happen in such a way that man may not perceive it, and thus may be kept in faith, or brought to the state of angelic spirits, of whom I am now speaking, especially that man should not be solicitous about the future, or trust to his own prudence. Wherefore those that are in faith rarely obtain the objects of their desire, while they desire them, but yet, if it be for their good, they obtain them afterwards, when not thinking of them. - 1748, October 11.

Experientiae Spirituales 3538 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3538. Quomodo spiritus angelici spectant ea quae fiunt

Idea spirituali communicata per spiritus angelicos, percepi, quod ii spectent res quae existunt, ita, quod videant in singulis quod Dominus ita disponat et permittat, jugiter mentibus spectant ea quae fiunt, ut a Domino sic disponente et permittente, non autem sicut homines et spiritus non boni, tum mali, quod omnia volunt ut Dominus disponat secundum eorum intuitiones, phantasias et cupiditates, et cum non ita fiunt, quod dubitent, et negent providentiam; quod trahit causam ex eo, quod non in fide sint, et sic quod ex phantasiis suis sic non aliter regi universum et singula volunt, [ac] sicut ii regerent: nec possunt nec volunt agnoscere, quod omnia et singula fiant, ut homo non percipiat, et sic teneatur in fide, seu redigatur ad statum spirituum angelicorum, de quo nunc, utque homo de venturis non sollicitus sit, fidatque suae prudentiae, quare qui in fide raro obtinent quae cupiunt, dum cupiunt, sed usque obtinent postea, dum non cogitant de eo, si iis utilia sunt. N. 1748, 11 Oct.

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