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《灵界经历》 第3549节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3549

3549. With those held simply by the Lord in the higher knowledge of faith, evil spirits are dispersed

Just now I experienced that evil spirits withdrew and were powerless to say, and to think, anything, consequently to communicate whatever they had to me, when I was being held simply in belief in higher, universal knowledge. For I had previously been prompted to tell them there was no need for them to raise objections, but because they are so clever, they ought to dispel objections and doubts by virtue of higher knowledge of faith in which I am being held at this moment. And all the spirits are becoming speechless, as if they had gone away - some have even gone away, so I hear. This shows that with those who believe, in simplicity - for example, that the Lord rules the universe, and that the Lord Alone is life, and that what is their own is nothing but evil, and who do not give access to objections that cause doubts - evil spirits are dispersed. For with such a person they cannot abide, as I also perceived them thinking. 1748, 12 Oct.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3549


It is now perceived by experience that evil spirits will recede and remain in an inability to speak or think or communicate ought of themselves to me, so long as I am kept simply in the faith of universal knowledges; for it is given to say to them that it is of no use to urge objections, but that if they are so ingenious they ought rather to discuss the objections and doubts, arising from the knowledges of faith in which I am now held and kept; but all the spirits are as dumb as if they had retired; indeed some of them have retired, as I am given to understand. Hence it appears, that they who believe in simplicity, as for instance, that the Lord rules the universe, that the Lord alone is life, that their proprium is nothing but evil, and who do not admit objections from whence come doubt - that with them evil spirits are dispersed, for with such an one they cannot be, as I perceived that they themselves also think. - 1748, October 12.

Experientiae Spirituales 3549 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3549. Qui simpliciter in cognitionibus fidei tenentur, a Domino, quod spiritus mali dissipentur

Expertum est nunc, quod spiritus mali recederent, inque impotentia aliquid loquendi, et cogitandi, proinde mecum communicandi ea, quae apud eos, cum tenerer simpliciter in fide, cognitionum universalium, iis enim dicere datum prius, quod non opus habeant objectiones facere, sed quia ita ingeniosi, quod discutere debeant objectiones et dubia, ex iis quae sunt cognitionum fidei, in quibus nunc teneor, et obmutescunt omnes spiritus, sicut recesserint, quidam etiam recesserunt, sicut audivi; inde constat, quod qui in simplicitate credunt, ut quod Dominus regat universum, et quod Dominus Solus sit vita, tum quod eorum proprium non sit nisi malum, nec admittant objectiones, unde dubia, quod spiritus mali dissipentur, nam apud talem non possunt esse, sicut etiam percepi eos cogitare. 1748, 12 Oct.

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