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《灵界经历》 第3560节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3560

3560. He was examined as to whether he was constant in his repugnance (which is not a bad sign because then he would be less lukewarm). It was said that after a delay of some time, when he realizes there is no other help than the Lord, he is arriving at better thoughts and is therefore firm in that aspect of faith.

It was then shown what he would be like by a kind of plane on which there lay a light sprinkling of gold dust, symbolizing something of affection for goodness, besides which there appeared many grassy green pathways. Then it was shown by something luminous, halfway between fiery and flamy: this being shown because there were some who were doubting that he could ever live without being so contrary. 1748, 13 Oct. ##

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3560

3560. Being explored as to whether he was constant in his opposition, which was not a bad sign, because he was then less lukewarm, it was said, that after a delay of some time, when he should perceive that his help was in the Lord alone, he would come into better thoughts, and so would be firm in that part of faith [viz. dependence upon the Lord]. The quality of which he would then become was shown by a certain plane, whereupon was a slight sprinkling of gold dust, which signifies something of the affection of good; besides which [there appeared] green walks, abundantly covered with grass. [The same thing was] afterwards [indicated] by a certain luminous something intermediate between fiery and flamy. This was shown because there were some who doubted whether he could ever live, because so contrary [to faith]. - 1748, October 13.

Experientiae Spirituales 3560 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3560. Exploratus num constans in repugnando esset, quod non malum indicium, quia tunc minus tepidus, dictum, quod post moram temporis, cum percipit non aliud auxilium dari, quam Dominus, quod ad meliores cogitationes veniat, et ita ab illa parte fidei firmus sit, ostensum qualis tunc fieret, per planum quoddam in [quo] quasi sparsus pulvis aureus leviter, qui significat affectionis boni quid, et caetero viridia multa graminea. Dein per luminosum quoddam medium inter igneum et flammeum: ostensum, quia erant quidam qui dubitabant, quod usquam vivere posset, quin ita contrarius. 1748, 13 Oct. # #

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