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《灵界经历》 第3565节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3565

3565. This also makes it clear what the nature of correspondences is, that it is not known that in the inward level are things that correspond: that kind of spiritual food corresponds to the foods of the body, for the life of the body is sustained by good and wholesome foods. Nor is it known that the faculties of thinking and exercising the will correspond to the muscles.

This also shows that lower spirits do not recognize that whatever comes forth with angelic spirits corresponds, and the same applies [with angelic spirits] to whatever comes forth with angels. Since these correspondences are not recognized, and consequently hardly acknowledged, it is therefore absurd to want to penetrate to the innermost and supreme mysteries, which can never fall within the field of human perception. Angelic mysteries do not, which are relatively so crude, how then Divine ones? 1748, 14 Oct.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3565

3565. It appears, moreover, hence what is the nature of correspondences, that it is not known, in the interior degree, that there are things which correspond. That spiritual food corresponds with the food of the body, for the life of the body is sustained by good and wholesome food; so in other things. Nor is it known that the cogitative and voluntary principles correspond to the muscles. Hence also it appears that it is not known, by inferior spirits, that the things which exist with angelic spirits correspond; so also the things with the angels. Since these correspondences are not known, therefore they are scarcely acknowledged; wherefore it is absurd to wish to penetrate into the inmost and highest mysteries, which can never fall into the perception of men; even angelic things, gross as they are, do not fall into it, how then shall divine? - 1748, October 14.

Experientiae Spirituales 3565 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3565. Inde quoque constat, quales sunt correspondentiae, quod non cognoscuntur in interiori gradu, quod sint quae correspondent; cibus ille spiritualis correspondet cibis corporis, nam per cibos bonos et salutares etiam vita corporis sustinetur, ita in caeteris; nec noscitur quod cogitativum et voluntarium correspondet musculis.

Exinde quoque constat, quod quae existunt apud spiritus angelicos non cognoscatur quod correspondeant a spiritibus inferioribus; et sic porro quae apud angelos; cum hae correspondentiae non cognoscuntur, et ideo vix agnoscuntur, quare absurdum est velle penetrare mysteria intima, et suprema; quae nusquam cadere possunt in hominis perceptionem; non cadunt angelica, quae tam crassa, quomodo Divina? 1748, 14 Oct.

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