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《灵界经历》 第3584节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3584

3584. There were many from among the evil demons desiring that those from that hell would rise up and then would join with them to kill me, for constant is the effort of evil spirits and demons, and their scheming as to how they can kill me, for the reason especially, they declare, that I say they are nothing. So they impressed upon [those below], and to enable them to rise up poured into them the idea, to say they are nothing, and thus emerge.

[2] Thereupon there was heard a tumultuous uproar deep down below the buttocks like a great tumultuous and turbulent rolling sound, which continued for some time, caused by their commotion in wanting to emerge and struggle out into the world of spirits. Their field of tumultuous and turbulent energy stretched upward to the left side, toward the left ear. Therefore some of them were also permitted to emerge, who then appeared above the head, a little in front, opposite to where [they had been] in the depth, or opposite to the buttocks.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3584

3584. As there were many of the evil genii who wished that these spirits might come forth from that hell, that thus they might in conjunction destroy me - for there is a continual plotting and purpose with spirits and evil genii to compass my destruction, and with a view to this they especially aim to make me [think and] say that they are nothing - wherefore they impressed upon them the idea of their issuing forth, and [in order to this] poured upon them, as it were, the prompting to say that they were nothing, that thus they might emerge. There was therefore heard a deep tumultuous uproar beneath the posteriors, like that of a huge tumultuous and turbulent rolling, which continued for some time, as it arose from their movement, because they wished to emerge, and to struggle forth into the world of spirits. Their sphere of tumultuous and turbulent activity extended itself upwards to the left side, in a direction to the left of the anus; wherefore it was permitted that some of them should emerge, who then appeared above the head a little in front, to the opposite of where the profound depth was, or to the opposite of the posteriors.

Experientiae Spirituales 3584 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3584. Quia plures ex malis geniis erant, qui cupiebant ut ii ex isto inferno subirent, et sic ii cum iis me necarent, nam continuus est spirituum et geniorum malorum conatus et cogitatio, quomodo me necare possint, imprimis dicunt ideo, quod dicam eos nihil esse, quare imprimebant iis ideam, utque subirent, iis infundebant, ut dicerent se nihil esse, et sic emergerent; quare etiam auditum erat tumultuosum sub clunibus profunde, sicut tumultuosum et turbulentum magnum volumen, quod perstabat aliquamdiu, quod erat emotio eorum, quod vellent emergere, et in mundum spirituum eniti; eorum sphaera activitatis tumultuosae et turbulentae se subtendebat ad sinistrum latus sursum versus aurem sinistram: quare etiam permissum ut quidam eorum emergerent, qui tunc apparebant supra caput antrorsum paulum, ex opposito ubi in profundo, seu ex opposito clunium.

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