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《灵界经历》 第3595节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3595

3595. It was also shown that these wicked adulterers were immensely numerous, for as they were being whirled around they kept on coming in a gyre. Those following in succession or being drawn one after another, kept on coming for a long time, which showed that there was an immeasurable number of the kind who consider adulteries as nothing, and it was said that Christendom is full of such more than other lands, where such wickedness is unheard of, while in Christendom every restraint due to the fear of disgrace is broken.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3595

3595. That these abandoned adulterers exist in immense numbers, was shown by their being brought into a gyre [or choral train], and following continually in a gyre, indefinitely drawn. They continued thus for a long time, from which it was evident that the number is immense of those who make nothing of adulteries, and it was said that Christendom, above all other lands, is filled with such; for in other lands these abominations are not heard of, but in Christendom every bond of shame is broken.

Experientiae Spirituales 3595 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3595. Quod tales essent immenso numero, qui nempe scelesti adulteri, ostensum quoque est, nam in gyrum agebantur, et sequebantur in gyrum continue, qui sequebantur seu trahebantur, ii continuabant diu, unde constabat quod immensus numerus talium qui adulteria pro nihilo aestimant, et dictum quod Christianismus impletus sit talibus prae aliis terris, ubi talia nefanda non audiuntur, sed in Christianismo omne vinculum pudoris ruptum esse.

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