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《灵界经历》 第3597节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3597

3597. It was shown to me that those who inspire this inappropriate compassion are for the most part to be found among priests and priestly leaders, that they alone may survive even if the whole world should perish - thus among monks and Jesuits, the majority of whom are such as had acquired the habit in life of being able to inspire others with the conviction that they are saved before all others, for by this persuasive talent they had drawn over to their side even priests who were not of that character. It was also shown how those spirits were portrayed by a priest clothed in a black garment who attached himself to what was represented as a white cloud that gradually took on the appearance of a bright virgin, with whom he was let down, but that bright cloud, or that brightness, was taken away from him.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3597

3597. It was shown that among those who inspire this unseasonable compassion, the priestly order was conspicuous. They would fain have others feel that they must live, though the whole world should perish. Thus of the monks and Jesuites the greater part are of this character, who, from the habit contracted in life by such a persuasion, are able to possess others with the idea that they must be saved at all hazards; for they have, by persuasion, drawn over to their interest the priests who were not [originally] such [as themselves]. It was shown that those of this quality, are represented by a priest clothed in a black garment, who had a white cloud around him; and after yards by a white [robed] virgin, whom he took for himself with whom he was let downwards; but that whiteness of hers or his was taken away from him.

Experientiae Spirituales 3597 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3597. Ostensum quod tales sint maxime, qui sacerdotes et antistites, qui inspirant aliis misericordiam intempestivam, ut ii solum vivant, tametsi totus mundus periret, sic inter monachos et Jesuitas, quorum plurima pars tales, qui ita ex habitu in vita, tali persuasione possunt inspirare alios, ut ii prae caeteris salventur; nam traxerunt in suas partes persuasione etiam sacerdotes, qui tales non erant: ostensum quoque quod tales per sacerdotem nigra veste indutum, qui nubem candidam repraesentatam mox successive ut virgo candida, sibi applicuit, cum qua deorsum demissus, sed candida ista seu candidum istud ab eo sublatum est.

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