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《灵界经历》 第3602节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3602

3602. Objections should not be raised against higher knowledge of faith

Speaking with spirits about those who formulate objections against higher religious knowledge, I said that this indicated that they are doubting and denying. Therefore they should not raise objections, because they are doubts and denials. For a thousand books can be filled with objections. So only confirmations ought to be assumed and are then instilled. Those in heaven are of this nature, that they love only confirmatory matters and reject objections, also for the reason that there are countless [confirmatory truths] of which hardly any can be learned - not even in the lowest regions of nature. 1748, 17 Oct., in the night.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3602


I spoke with spirits concerning those who form objections to the knowledges of faith [remarking] that this is a sign that they will doubt and deny. Wherefore no objections [of this kind] ought to be formed, because they are doubts and denials; for a thousand books may be filled with objections. Consequently confirmations ought to be assumed, which are insinuated. Such are those in heaven, that they love only confirming things, and reject objections. Another reason for this is, that [objections] are innumerable, and scarcely anything can be clearly known, not even in the lowest departments of nature. - 1748, October 17.

Experientiae Spirituales 3602 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3602. Quod objectiones contra cognitiones fidei non faciendae

Loquutus cum spiritibus, de iis qui objectiones formant contra fidei cognitiones, quod hoc indicium sit, quod dubitent, et quod negent, quare nullae objectiones debent formari, quia eae sunt dubia et negationes; nam objectionibus impleri possunt mille libri, quare solum confirmationes assumendae, quae insinuantur, tales sunt in coelo, quod solum confirmantia ament, et objectiones rejiciant, tum quia indefinitae sunt [veritates], et vix aliquae possint sciri, ne quidem quae in infima natura. N. 1748, 17 Oct.

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