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《灵界经历》 第3604节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3604

3604. About anger

It surprised me sometimes that the turmoil heard in the streets suddenly ceased, but I was instructed that when there is turmoil, an aura of anger reigned in the world of spirits, and when it ceases, that aura ceases, for it suddenly became calm. This it was also granted me to learn when I was in a state of anger, namely that it was suddenly taken away by the Lord, and at once the turbulence was no longer audible in the world, and it appeared to be calm. 1748, 17 Oct.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3604


I sometimes wondered that when a tumult was heard in the streets, it should suddenly have ceased. But I was instructed, that whenever a tumult occurs, a sphere of anger predominates in the world of spirits, and when it ceases, that that sphere ceases, for everything suddenly becomes tranquil. Hence it was given me to know, that when I was in a state of [surrounding] anger, it was suddenly taken away by the Lord, and immediately there was nothing tumultuous heard in the world, but all things appeared calm. - 1748, October 17.

Experientiae Spirituales 3604 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3604. De ira

Miratus quod quandoque tumultus in plateis auditus subito cessaverit, sed instructus, quod quando tumultus, quod regnaverit in mundo spirituum sphaera irae; et cum cessat, quod regnaverit in mundo spirituum sphaera irae; et cum cessat, quod cesset ista sphaera, nam subito factum tranquillum: quod mihi datum quoque scire, cum in statu iracundiae essem, quod subito a Domino adempta sit, et illico non auditum tumultuosum in mundo, sed apparuerit tranquillum. 1748, 17 Oct.

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