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《灵界经历》 第3606节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3606

3606. How filthy mental imagery punishes those who harbor it

Filthy mental images portrayed by spirits and appearing only as portrayals, because they do not occur due to any effort on their part to make them filthy, are not the ones under discussion here. But there were other obscene spirits who dwell intently on those things for the purpose of imprinting an image of something filthy.

[2] It then appeared to me that that image, because it was their filthy fantasy, even though at a distance from them, still, because it came from them, was in them, thus still belonging to them and their filthy mental image. Therefore they seem to themselves to be of that character, for an idea is an image of whomsoever produces it. So they saw themselves for what they were and in this way punished themselves for being such, so a filthy mental image from fantasy carries with it the punishment that the character of him who produces it is displayed. 1748, 18 Oct.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3606


Filthy ideas which were represented by spirits, and appeared representatively, while not flowing from any special effort on their part to render them such, are not here treated of; but there were other obscene spirits who dwell intently on these things with the express purpose of imprinting [on their minds] the idea of something foul and filthy. It then appeared to me that that idea, because it was [the fruit of] their filthy phantasy [proceeding] from themselves, though at first somewhat separate, yet because flowing from themselves, was [actually] in them, and thus by consequence [was formed] according to them and according to their defiled conception. They therefore appeared to themselves to be of the same quality [with their idea], for an idea is the image of him who produces it. Thus they appeared to themselves such as they were; and in that manner were punished from themselves for being what they were; wherefore a foul idea from phantasy carries with it the punishment of a representation like himself to him who forms it. - 1748, October 18.

Experientiae Spirituales 3606 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3606. Quomodo ideae spurcae puniant eos qui tales habent

Ideae spurcae repraesentatae a spiritibus, quae repraesentative apparebant, quia non ex studio ab iis, ut spurcae essent, non de iis nunc agitur, sed erant alii obscoeni spiritus, qui sic inhaerebant iisdem, ex causa ut imprimerent ideam spurci; tunc mihi apparebat, quod idea ista quia esset eorum phantasia spurca ab iis tametsi elongata, usque quia ab iis, erat in iis, sic sequendo usque ad eos et ad eorum ideam spurcam, sic ii sibi visi quod tales, nam idea est imago ejus, qui producit; ita visi sibi quales essent, et eo modo puniti a semet, quia tales, quare idea spurca ex phantasia secum habet poenam repraesentationis qualis ei qui producit. 1748, 18 Oct.

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