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《灵界经历》 第3617节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3617

3617. What the fruits of faith in the other life are

When the things were being written about faith and good works, i.e. that the position that good works are not necessary to salvation, according to the view of certain ones, and that faith without good works saves - which formula is contrary to the Word of the Lord, Who said that the tree is known by its fruit [Matt. 7:16, 20; Luke 6:44] - those who were of the persuasion that faith alone without good works, or the fruits of faith, saves, brought in many objections, among others that in the other life there are no good works or fruits of faith, because there they enjoy eternal happiness. But they were shown that in the other life, especially good works, or fruits of faith, are brought forth, for surely there is no happiness in being inert. For they dwell in societies and love each other mutually, deriving happiness from that. Otherwise each one would have others be happy only for selfish reasons. Such a life is without any use or purpose, therefore not an active life, which is one of love.

[2] But they were shown that in the other life especially they perform good works or produce the fruits of faith, feeling nothing to be a happier activity than informing and teaching the spirits drifting from bodily life, in fact raising up those who are almost dead, spoken of earlier [1092-1109]. They also feel happiness in serving people on earth, and in controlling the spirits who are with them, keeping them from going beyond the proper limits, and inspiring them with goodness. In raising up the dead, therefore, also heaven and the angels derive their highest happiness from the Lord. Thus they love the neighbor more than themselves. 1748, 19 Oct. Thus they are images of the Lord.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3617


When writing concerning good works, that good works are not necessary to salvation, according to the declarations of some, and that faith without works saves - a position contrary to the Lord's Word, who said that a tree is to be known by its fruit - those who were in the persuasion, that faith alone, without good works or the fruits of faith, saved, drew a number of inferences, especially that in the other life good works or the fruits of faith are not given, inasmuch as they are then in eternal felicity. But it was shown them that in the other life good works or the fruits of faith pre-eminently exist; that, for instance, there could be no felicity in simple repose; in being in societies, and having mutual love, and thence deriving their felicity, so that each should have the felicity of others set over to his own account. Such a life would be without use or end, and therefore not an active life, which is a life of love; but they there pre-eminently show forth good works or the fruits of faith, as they perceive nothing more blessed than to gather spirits from the life of the body, to inform and teach them, nay to revive those who are at the point of death, concerning whom before; then that they may minister to men and control the spirits that are with them, and prevent their going beyond proper bounds, and also that they may inspire good into men; lastly that they may resuscitate the dead. In these things [good spirits] have their highest felicity from the Lord, thus also heaven and the angels, so that they love the neighbor better than themselves. - 1748, October 19: thus they are images of the Lord.

Experientiae Spirituales 3617 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3617. Quid fructus fidei in altera vita

Cum scriberentur de fide et bonis operibus, quod bona opera non sint necessaria ad salutem, secundum quorundam positionem, et quod fides absque bonis operibus salvet, quod formula sit quae contraria Verbo Domini, Qui dixit, quod arbor ex fructu cognoscatur [Matth. VII: 16, 20, 20; Luc. VI: 44], ii qui in persuasione fuerunt, quod fides sola absque bonis operibus, seu fructibus fidei salvet, inferebant plura, tum etiam quod in altera vita non dentur bona opera seu fructus fidei, quia ibi in felicitate aeterna, sed iis ostensum, quod in altera vita praecipue existant bona opera, seu fructus fidei, scilicet, quod felicitas nulla consistat in eo, ut quiescant, sintque in societatibus, et ament semet mutuo, ut inde habeant felicitatem, ita quisque haberet felicitatem aliorum propter semet, talis vita est absque usu et fine, quare non vita activa, quae est amoris; sed quod praecipue ibi praestent bona opera seu fructus fidei, nihil felicius percipiunt, quam ut spiritus ex vita corporis alluentes, informent, et doceant, imo ut eos qui mortui paene sunt excitent, de quibus prius [1092-1109]; tum ut inserviant hominibus, et regant spiritus, qui apud eos, ut non vagentur extra limites, utque bonum hominibus inspirent: tum ut mortuos exsuscitent, in illis summam felicitatem habent a Domino, ideo quoque coelum et angeli, ita amant proximum plus quam semet; 1748, 19 Oct.; ita sunt imagines Domini.

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