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《灵界经历》 第3631节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3631

3631. The speech of inward spirits could not be communicated to me without mediums

It was shown in various ways that the speech and thought of inward spirits could not reach me without mediums, for they spoke with me through mediums, and without mediums. When they spoke without mediums, there was a kind of undulation drifting up to my ears, thus [a sound as] of many speaking, but I understood nothing they were saying, although I was told that they were divided up into clear [units of] language and thought as far as they were concerned, nor did they even have a common understanding, for I listened to hear whether there was an inflow of [thoughts] in common.

But by the intervention of intermediates I at once understood and heard what they were saying and thinking.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3631


It was shown in a variety of ways that the speech and thought of interior spirits could not reach me without subjects, for they conversed with me both with subjects and without. When without subjects, there was a kind of undulation wafted to my ears, as of a number speaking, but of what they said not a word was understood, though I was informed that they were in manifest speech and thought, and that on their part they were entirely distinct, nor was theirs a perception in common for I attended closely to observe whether the influx was one of common [thoughts and words]; but by means of intermediate subjects I perceived and heard what they said and thought.

Experientiae Spirituales 3631 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3631. Quod interiorum spirituum loquela non mecum absque subjectis communicari potuit

Varie ostensum, quod spirituum interiorum loquela et cogitatio ad me pervenire non posset, absque subjectis, nam loquutum mecum per subjecta, et sine subjectis; cum sine subjectis, erat species undulationis ad aures meas alluentis, ita plurium loquentium, sed ne hilum intellectum, quid dicerent, cum tamen mihi dictum, quod ii in manifesta loquela et cogitatione, quantum apud eos, distincta fuissent, nec quidem eorum erat communis perceptio, nam attendebam, num esset communium influxus; sed intermediis subjectis illico perceptum et auditum, quid loquerentur et cogitarent.

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