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《灵界经历》 第3636节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3636

3636. About the rainbow

I saw most beautiful rainbows, such as I had seen earlier [3213], but more beautiful, along with a very bright light, in the center of which was an earthen darkness, but that very bright, snowy appearance was beautifully variegated, and thus distinguished, by another brightness, then by little yellow points resembling little stars - besides other beautiful scenes, and if I rightly remember, flowers of diverse colors roundabout, and entering into the very bright past. This all appeared at the left eye; at the right there were most beautiful displays distinguished by sky blue and its shades, because the right eye portrays feeling, and these derive their colors not from bright whiteness, but from flame. 1748, 21 Oct.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3636


There appeared to me very beautiful rainbows, as on former occasions, but still more beautiful, with a light of the purest white, in the center of which was an obscure earthy something; but that most lucid snow-white appearance was beautifully varied by another lucidity, and was thus discriminated as also by little yellowish points like small stars, besides other beautiful variations, and, if I rightly recollect, with flowers of different colors round about, and entering into the most lucid part. This was exhibited before the left eye. On the right were exceedingly beautiful representations, distinguished by the blue and its various related colors, because the right eye represents affections, and they derive colors not from a white lucidity, but from that which is flamy. - 1748, October 21.

Experientiae Spirituales 3636 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3636. De iride

Visae mihi irides perpulchrae, sicut prius [3213], sed pulchriores, cum luce candidissima, in cujus centro obscurum terrenum, sed lucidissimum niveum pulchre variabatur lucido alio sic discriminabatur, tum cum punctulis flavidioribus sicut stellulis, praeter alias variationes pulchras si memini, florum diversorum colorum circumcirca intrantes in lucidissimum; hoc sinistrum oculum: dextrum repraesentationes pulcherrimae distinctae coeruleis coloribus inde, quia oculus dexter affectiones repraesentat [hae] trahunt colores non a lucido candido, sed a flammeo. 1748, 21 Oct.

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