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《灵界经历》 第3683节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3683

3683. After this he also attempted to act the oracle, that is to call forth others in the manner of Python to rise up, standing upon my head, which he did from his own conviction and conception of the python, which I had not seen before, but which is indescribable. It can only be said that it is a persuasion joined with a mental image of calling forth those whom one desires. Whether David possessed this pythonic quality in life should not be conjectured from this incident, but when he thought the spirit he was calling forth to be rising up, there were dogs and snakes that rose up, and if he had not fled, they would have torn him to pieces, and even his genital member.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3683

3683. After a while he attempted to act the pytho, namely, by evoking others after the manner of the pythos, that he might cause them to ascend - he standing upon my head - to which he did from his persuasion and [a kind of] pythonic idea, which was not perceived before, and which cannot be described, only that it is a persuasion [with certain spirits] conjoined with the idea of evoking whomsoever they please. Whether this pythonic practice pertained to David during his life, cannot be determined from what now happened, but when he thought that he whom he evoked ascended, there were dogs and serpents ascending, which, unless he had fled, would have mangled his person, especially in the genital region.

Experientiae Spirituales 3683 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3683. Postmodum etiam pythonem agere aggressus, nempe evocare modo pythonis alios, ut ascenderent, insistens capiti meo, quod ex persuasione sua et idea pythonica faciebat, non prius mihi percepta, sed quae non describi potest, solum quod sit persuasio cum idea conjuncta evocandi eos, quos volunt; num hoc pythonicum Davidi fuerit in vita, non inde conjicere licet, sed cum ascendere putaret eum quem evocaret, erant canes et serpentes, qui ascendebant, et nisi aufugisset, eum laceravissent, et quidem membrum ejus genitale.

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