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《灵界经历》 第3700节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3700

3700. In the other life they behave the same way, and without any conscience - about which they are also ignorant that it exists seize upon all devices that are well known in the other life, most unknown in the world. Such spirits attacked me throughout the whole of last night during my wakeful periods, so that I would learn what they are like, that they are able with the greatest of ease to entice the upright even to the point of making them serve them as mediums, no matter into what feelings they may venture, just on the pretext that something is honest, devout, merciful, and innocent. So they are easily deceived.

Certain females of this character were enticing many such societies last night, which are otherwise upright, constituting the outer tunic of the genital provinces, the loins and the frontal thorax. It is remarkable that there were so many societies, which were more than I could have believed, for they were shown to me as constituting the entire frontal skin even down to the feet.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3700

3700. In the other life they conduct themselves in a similar manner, without conscience, as to which, indeed, they know not that there is any such thing. They avail themselves of all kinds of [iniquitous] arts, such as are well known in the other life, though utterly unknown in the present. Such [spirits] have infested me while awake this night, so that I was able to discern their quality, and to see that they could easily allure the upright, and even to such a degree as to serve them for objects, into whatever kind of affections they might enter, only by pretending that a thing was honest, pious, merciful, and innocent. Thus others are easily deceived [by them]. Certain ones of this character [of the female sex] did tonight inveigle a number of societies which are otherwise upright, and which constitute the outer tunic in front of the genital regions, the loins, and also the thorax. The number of such societies is wonderful, being more than I ever could have believed; yet they were shown to me and as constituting the whole anterior skin even to the feet.

Experientiae Spirituales 3700 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3700. In altera vita similiter se gerunt, et absque conscientia ulla, quam nec sciunt quod sit, omnes artes arripiunt, quae in vita altera notae sunt, in mundo ignotissimae; tales hac tota nocte in vigiliis me infestarunt, ut inde discerem quales sunt, quod probos facile allicere possint, et usque eo ut iis pro objectis inservire soleant, in quascunque affectiones intrant, modo praetexendo, quod honestum, pium, misericors, et innocens; ita decipiuntur facile; quaedam tales, alliciebant hac nocte plures tales societates, quae alioquin probae sunt, quae constituunt tunicam externam provinciarum genitalium, lumborum, ut et thoracis, anteriorem, et mirum quod tot societates, quae plures erant, quam usquam potui credere, nam mihi ostensae, quod totam anteriorem cutem usque ad pedes constituerent.

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