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《灵界经历》 第3702节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3702

3702. Besides this, she was the medium of evil demons, who inspired such things, and being thus a medium of both evil demons and of upright spirits, she was able to lead a persuasive life. For the more societies are coming together, the more perceptive and active a life they can lead. So I spoke with those who were in good societies, saying that it was wicked for them to have one medium in common with evil demons, even the worst kind, knowing that she had been seen several times in Gehenna, and that she had spoken through me when I was sleeping, and that now she is exercising different magical arts: and that if they are joined together in that medium, it would be like joining beelsebub with goodness, which would be wicked. For in that way they could be deceived more than ever, for such a deception surpasses all others. And if they should join their mental imagery together in one medium it would be as if she were conjoining them in herself, which is abominable and to be spewed out.

But still that persuasive aura due to the gathering together of so many societies was so strong that they could hardly be convinced otherwise, for through their own persuasive imagery and displays, she was still with them and seemed to strengthen them. And it was shown how much agreement and disagreement there was by means of white clouds in a sky blue background (for they were inward spirits), which, when emerging upwards, symbolized agreement, when going to the sides, that they were beginning to disagree, when downwards that they were disagreeing, in addition to which the clouds folded themselves together variously, changing their shape. The mental imagery of inward spirits is thus portrayed.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3702

3702. She was, moreover, a subject of the evil genii, who inspired such things; and from being thus a subject both of good and evil genii, she was enabled to be in a persuasive life; for the more numerous the societies which concur, the more fully are they in perceptive and active life. Wherefore I remarked to those that were in good societies, that this was outrageous, that they should have at the same time the same subject as the evil genii, and those of the worst stamp, knowing too that she had been several times seen in Gehenna, that she had spoken through me while I was asleep, and that even now she was practicing other magical arts. Wherefore if they conjoined themselves in such a subject, it would be like conjoining Beelzebub with a saint, which were abominable: for thus they would be more thoroughly deceived than ever, as such delusion exceeds all other. Moreover should they respectively conjoin their ideas in one subject, they would be as if conjoined in themselves [however much at variance], which was to be abhorred and rejected with utter aversion. Yet still the sphere of her persuasion arising from the conjunction of different societies within herself was such, that they could scarcely be persuaded, for by her persuasive ideas and representations she was still with them, and thus seemed to confirm them; and it was shown how great was the consent and the dissent, by means of white clouds on a cerulean ground (:for they are interior spirits:) which when they issued upwards, signified consent; when sideways, that they were beginning to differ; when downwards, that disagreement had actually taken place; besides that the clouds variously complicated themselves, and exhibited multifarious forms, for thus the idea of interior spirits are represented.

Experientiae Spirituales 3702 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3702. Et praeterea subjectum erat malorum geniorum, qui inspirabant talia; et quia sic subjectum [tam] malorum geniorum, quam proborum, in vita persuasiva potuit esse, nam quo plures societates concurrunt, eo sunt in vita magis perceptiva et activa; quare loquutus cum iis qui in bonis societatibus, quod hoc sit nefandum, ut simul subjectum unum habeant cum geniis malis, imo pessimis, scientes quod in Gehenna aliquoties visa, tum quod per me loquuta cum dormirem, et nunc quod alias artes magicas exerceat; et quod si se conjungant in tali subjecto, quod foret sicut conjungerent beelsebub simul cum bono, quod nefandum; sic enim magis decipi possent quam usquam, nam talis dolus excedit omnes alios; et cum conjungerent suas ideas in uno subjecto, forent tanquam in semet, quod est abominabile, quod exspuendum; sed usque persuasionis ejus sphaera, ex congregatis in se tot societatibus, talis erat, ut vix possent [aliter] persuaderi, nam per suas persuasivas ideas et repraesentationes usque apud eos erat, et sic confirmare visa, et ostensum, quantum consensus et dissensus esset, per candidas nubes in coeruleo, (nam spiritus interiores erant) , quae cum sursum emergebant, significabat consensum, cum ad latera, quod inciperent dissentire, cum deorsum quod dissentirent, praeter quod nubes se complicarent varie, et varia forma se exhiberent; interiorum spirituum ideae ita repraesentantur.

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