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《灵界经历》 第3712节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3712

3712. Continuation about sirens

They especially simulate the character of another, or put on a likeness of the other's mental imagery, and thus attempt to deceive those who are led by a love of the persons they are copying. In the other life a variety of such impersonations can be produced and portrayed, which are indescribable, such as a medium of several beloved personalities simulated, and indeed so well as to fool those in the lower world of spirits. Sometimes he imitated them in such a living manner that it could hardly be found out. Such spirits, moreover, desire more than others to come by means of others into the world, because they are the most cunning, stealing into them through good feelings, having no other motivation than [the love of] themselves and the world. They are utterly ignorant as to what spiritual and heavenly qualities are, thinking them to be merely facades by means of which they can steal in. They have a rather persuasive life, of various kinds and species. 1748, 26 Oct.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3712


They especially simulate the mind of another, or put on a likeness of the ideas of another, and thus attempt to deceive those who are influenced by a love to the persons to whom they thus resemble themselves. Such assimilations in the other life may be exhibited and represented in various ways which cannot be described. A subject of certain persons who were beloved effected assimilations of this sort, and indeed to such a degree as to be able to deceive those who were in the lower world of spirits, sometimes so fully to the life, that the fact could scarcely be known to be otherwise [than as it appeared]. Such, moreover, especially desire to come into the world through others, because they are exceedingly deceitful, insinuating themselves through good affections, and having no other end than regard to self and the world. As to spiritual and celestial things they are utterly ignorant of them, deeming them mere external matters, through which insinuations can be effected. They have a highly persuasive kind of life, but with difference according to their genera and species. - 1748, October 26.

Experientiae Spirituales 3712 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3712. Continuatio de sirenibus

Imprimis simulant alterius animum, seu induunt alius idearum similitudinem, ac ita decipere conantur, qui amore personarum, quos sic assimilant, ducuntur, in altera vita tales assimilationes variis sisti, tum repraesentari possunt, quae describi nequeunt, tales assimilavit subjectum aliquot personarum, qui amati, et quidem ut satis fallere posset eos qui in inferiori spirituum mundo; quandoque ita ad vivum, ut aliter vix sciri posset; et praeterea cupiunt tales in mundum per alios venire prae aliis, quia dolosissimi sunt, nam per affectiones bonas se insinuant, nullum finem alium habentes quam propter se et mundum; quid spiritualia et coelestia prorsus nesciunt, modo externa esse putantes, per quae insinuationes fieri possint, vitam admodum persuasivam habent, cum differentia secundum eorum genera et species. 1748, 26 Oct.

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