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《灵界经历》 第3743节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3743

3743. Being of this character, they were carried from in front where they were to above the head toward the left, and then on high toward the hind parts, where they were trying to go in order to summon others to their aid. For they wanted to domineer and be supreme, also very often boasting that none could harm them, and that they feared no one. And while they were going, they seemed to be bent around to the right and to the left in a kind of drilling motion, which meant, I am told, that it was being suggested to their mental imagery that they cease and desist, for this effort could be turned to their harm. So they did stop, and went no farther.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3743

3743. Being of this quality, they were borne in a direction from the anterior region, where they were above the head, towards the left, and thus towards the back parts on high, whither they wished to go in order to call others to their aid, for they were desirous of domineering and being supreme. They often also boasted that no one could know them, and that they feared no one. When they went they seemed to be turned about to the right and the left, with a motion like that of boring, which signified, as I was informed, its being insinuated into their ideas that they should desist, for this might be turned to their injury; wherefore they stopped without proceeding further.

Experientiae Spirituales 3743 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3743. Cum tales essent ferebantur ab anteriore ubi erant supra caput sinistrorsum et sic alte versus posteriora in alto, ibi volentes vadere, ut arcesserent alios, in auxilium, nam dominari volebant, et supremi esse, seque saepius quoque jactabant, quod nemo iis nocere possent, tum quod nullum timerent; cumque vaderent, videbantur dextrorsum et sinistrorsum circumflecti et quasi terebrari, quod mihi dictum significare, quod insinuaretur eorum ideis, quod desisterent, nam hoc in eorum malum potuisset verti, quare etiam subsistebant, nec longius vadebant.

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