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《灵界经历》 第3747节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3747

3747. I was instructed that in bodily life, due to success in their undertakings, they had become convinced that they should attribute it all to their own wisdom. Therefore they were told that they are not punished right away on arriving in the other life because of their persuasion, for then their spirit would be broken, but gradually, so that they may recover from their persuasion and be educated. It is quite a severe punishment to dwell with dragons, which are flying snakes; but these spirits were not deceivers - it is worse for those who are deceitful.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3747

3747. I was instructed that from the success of their affairs in the life of the body, they had contracted the persuasion that they were to attribute everything to their own prudence; wherefore it was said that they are not punished on the instant of their coming into the other life, because of their being in this persuasion, for thus they would be utterly broken down, but that it is done by degrees, that they may thus be restored from their persuasion, and instructed. It is a punishment sufficiently severe [to be obliged] to dwell with dragons, which are flying serpents. These, however, were not deceitful; with the deceitful it fares worse.

Experientiae Spirituales 3747 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3747. Instructus, quod in vita corporis ex successu rerum, quod traxerint persuasionem, quod prudentiae suaemet tribuerint, quare dictum, quod non ita in instanti puniantur, cum veniunt in alteram vitam, quia in persuasione, nam sic frangerentur, sed quod successive, ut sic a persuasione redigantur, et informentur; supplicium satis grave habitare cum draconibus, qui sunt volantes serpentes; sed hi tamen non dolosi erant: pejus qui dolosi.

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