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《灵界经历》 第3748节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3748

3748. As long as this lasted, nothing was seen that was anything, for their mental image of spirits was such that they imagined a spirit to be nothing but a certain airy nonentity, for such have no mental image of spirits. For this idea spread around by them is indeed just that, for those who think a spirit to be nothing, to them in the other life, when a spirit is present, nothing appears but an emptiness. They even said they saw nothing, unable to distinguish between a spirit and an atmosphere-like emptiness. 1748, 27 Oct.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3748

3748. As long as this continued there was nothing seen, for their idea of spirits is such that they had formerly supposed that a spirit was merely an aerial wavering something, as such have no true idea of spirits, which idea, when diffused from others, is itself of the same quality; for when those who think spirit to be nothing, when they are present in the other life, nothing appears to them but a certain vacuity; they said also that they saw nothing, being ignorant whether it were spirits or an atmospherical inane. - 1748, October 27.

Experientiae Spirituales 3748 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3748. Quamdiu perstabat hoc, nihil visum quid, nam idea eorum de spiritibus talis, ut putaverint spiritum esse nihil, nisi quoddam aereum nullum, nam tales nullam ideam habent de spiritibus, quae idea, diffusa ab iis talis quoque est, nam qui putant spiritum esse nihil, iis in altera vita, cum adsunt [spiritus], nihil apparet nisi inane quoddam, dicebant etiam quod nihil viderent, nescientes an spiritus sint vel atmosphaericum inane. 1748, 27 Oct.

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