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《灵界经历》 第3752节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3752

3752. The following scene was displayed concerning them: a woman was seen near me with her back toward me, facing a kitchen fireplace, where I saw a fire burning. After that a table came into view, where several people were reclining at the right, a little in the foreground. Next I saw a woman with her head dressed, having a rather wide womanly covering of a purple color, lying in a bed before the table.

[2] After a brief interval, there was seen a left footsole, from which some flesh was cut without the skin, the raw incised flesh appearing, and in fact near the big toe of the foot, which had not yet been skinned. Later little dogs were seen running up to me. But what these things mean I do not yet know. 1748, 27, 28 Oct. They also flowed into the pubes of the genital member, but it was seen as it had also been said, only into the bony part there.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3752

3752. These things were represented concerning them: a woman was seen near me, with her back towards me, and the front of her person towards a kitchen fire-place, where I saw a glowing fire. A table was afterwards seen, where certain persons were seated at the right a little in front. Presently a woman [was seen] with her head covered, and having a mantle appropriate to females of rather ample dimensions, and of purple color; she was lying in a bed before the table. After a short interval the sole of the left foot on which the flesh was cut and skinless appeared; the raw flesh [distinctly] appeared as if a cutting had been made; the seat of it was the foot near the great toe, which however was not excoriated. Afterwards little dogs appeared running to me but what these things signified I do not yet know. - 1748, October 27, 28. These [spirits] flowed also into the pubes, but it was perceived and said that it was only into the bony part of that region.

Experientiae Spirituales 3752 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3752. Repraesentata de iis haec sunt, visa mulier prope me, tergum ad me, et anteriora versus focum culinae, ubi ardentem ignem vidi. Postea visa mensa, ubi aliqui discumberent ad dextrum paulo antrorsum; dein mulier amicta capite habens tegumentum satis latum muliebre, purpurei coloris, jacens ante mensam in lecto. Post moram temporis, visa est planta pedis sinistri, ubi caro incisa absque cute, caro cruda incisa apparebat, et quidem prope pollicem pedis, qui nondum erat excoriatus; postea visi parvi canes ad me currentes: sed quid haec significent, nondum scio. 1748, 27, 28 Oct. Influebant ii quoque in pubem membri genitalis, sed perceptum sicut etiam dictum, solum in osseum quod ibi.

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