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《灵界经历》 第3768节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3768

3768. They were told how abominable this practice is, since four wicked abominations come together in it:

one abomination, that a sharing of wives involves the most detestable adulteries;

second, that they do this under the guise of holiness, considering holiness to reside in the most profane acts, even to the point that they claim that the devil is thereby cast out (when yet the devil thereby enters), gifting them with remission of sins;

[2] third, that they thus loose every restraint of conscience, making them the most degenerate excrement conceivable;

fourth, that in this way spirits using people on earth lie with their women; for spirits never rule people to the extent of driving them to act in bodily matters, as in speaking, in eating, in walking, in the marital act - these actions flow in from a general endeavor, only into the thoughts and into the desires, but never into such physical acts. Therefore their sexual intercourse is far more abominable than that of the Sodomites.

This was just told to their spirits who call themselves the holy spirit, to whom it was said, that these are the four abominations, as enumerated. To this they made no reply, nor are they now able to reply. The men were also informed that when they lie with the women, they themselves have hardly any sensation but are then being acted upon by their holy spirit, so that they are almost outside of themselves. This is bringing them to a conclusion as to whether the women obtained the holy spirit, when it was in fact the devil, this being their sacrament of the supper - which sacrament they rejected, as was also portrayed to me.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3768

3768. It was told them how abominable this was, since no less than four outrageous enormities concurred in this conduct - the first, that a community of wives involved the most detestable adulteries; the second, that they did this under the semblance of sanctity, placing that which was holy among things the most profane, and yet so that while they pretended the devil was driven away, he really entered in; that, thirdly, by thus giving remission of sins they relaxed every bond of conscience, to which it was owing that they became a viler offal than anyone could ever get conceive: fourthly, that thus spirits through men had connection with their women; for spirits never so govern man as to act the part of man in those things which are corporeal, as in speaking, in eating, in walking, in conjugal connection; such things flow in from a common [general] endeavor; they act solely into the thought, and into the cupidities, but never into such [corporeal] things; wherefore these cohabitations were much more abominable than those of the Sodomites - all which is now said to those spirits of theirs who say that they are the Holy Spirit; also that these four abominations are such as I have described, to which they make no reply, nor are they able to reply. It was also given to know that when they cohabit with women they have scarcely any sense, but are so acted by their Holy Spirit that they are almost beside themselves. Hence also they conclude whether the women have obtained the Holy Spirit, viz., when they have obtained the devil. This is their sacrament of the supper, which [in its truth] they reject, as was also represented to me.

Experientiae Spirituales 3768 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3768. Dictum iis quam abominandum hoc sit, cum hic quatuor abominationes nefandae simul concurrant, una abominatio, quod communio uxorum sint maxime abominanda adulteria; secundo quod sub specie sanctitatis hoc agant, et in prophanissimis ponant sanctum, usque adeo, ut sic dispelli diabolum dicant, cum tamen sic intrat diabolus, dando sic remissionem peccatorum; tertio, quod sic relaxant omne conscientiae vinculum, quod facit, ut putriora sint excrementa, quam usquam aliquis concipere queat: quarto quod sic spiritus per homines concumbant cum eorum faeminis; nam spiritus nusquam ita regunt hominem, ut agant hominem, in iis quae corporea sunt, sicut in loquendo, in edendo, in ambulando, in opere conjugii, talia influunt a conatu communi, agunt solum in cogitationes, et in cupiditates, sed nusquam in talia, quare eorum coitus multo abominabilior est, quam Sodomitarum: quod spiritibus eorum, qui spiritum sanctum se dicunt, nunc dictum, et quibus, quod quatuor abominationes tales sint, sicut dicta, ad quae nihil responderunt, nec respondere nunc possunt: scire etiam datum, quod cum concumbunt cum faeminis, vix ii habeant sensum, sed quod tunc spiritu suo sancto agantur, sic ut paene sint extra semet; inde quoque concludunt, num spiritum sanctum adeptae mulieres, cum tunc diabolum, hoc est eorum sacramentum coenae, quod rejecerunt, sicut etiam repraesentatum mihi.

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