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《灵界经历》 第3772节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3772

3772. These words have been written in the presence of their holy spirit, who are 1now at hand - who previously tried to inspire wicked acts [cf. 3741 ff.], and, in fact, against the Lord, which wickedness I do not wish to recall. It all showed from whom such a spirit goes forth, namely, from the most filthy devil of all. Therefore it was also said that their hell, where they become the filthiest excrements, is located more deeply than the hell of the others. Such is the hell of their holy spirit.


1. So the original has it, in plural.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3772

3772. These things are written in the presence of their holy spirits who are now standing by; they at first endeavored to inspire detestable things, and that too against the Lord, which impieties I do not wish to recall. It thence appears from what source such a spirit proceeds, namely, that it is from the foulest devil of all; wherefore it was said also that their hell was deeper than the hell of others, where they become the vilest offscouring; such a hell is that of their Holy Spirit.

Experientiae Spirituales 3772 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3772. Haec scripta sunt in praesentia eorum spiritus sancti, qui nunc adsunt; qui prius conati nefanda inspirare [cf. 3741 seqq.], et quidem contra Dominum, quae nefanda nec reminisci volo; exinde constabat, a quo talis spiritus procedit, quod nempe a diabolo omnium spurcissimo; quare etiam dictum, quod eorum infernum sit profundius inferno aliorum, ubi excrementitia spurcissima fiunt; tale infernum est eorum spiritus sancti.

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