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《灵界经历》 第3777节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3777

3777. Since they are of this nature and are led by such spirits as reject and hold in hatred the doctrinal matters of faith, thus the Lord, and since they care nothing for the Word and reject the sacraments, it can be known what they are like in regard to life, imagining their intercourse, even wicked, promiscuous copulations, to be prompted by the holy spirit! For while under the persuasion that the holy spirit speaks, and commands, and that they are being consciously moved, it follows that this extends also to their copulations and that they are thus aroused by spirits to such wicked acts.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3777

3777. Since such is their quality, and they are led by spirits who reject and have in hatred the doctrinals of faith, and thus the Lord, and as they care nothing for the Word, and discard the sacraments, it may be known what they are as to life, inasmuch as they think their promiscuous cohabitations, abominable as they are, to be prompted by the Holy Spirit; for while they are in the persuasion that the Holy Spirit speaks [in them], and commands, and they are thence sensibly moved, it follows that this extends also to their connections, and that thus they are excited by spirits to those abominations.

Experientiae Spirituales 3777 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3777. Cum tales sunt, et a talibus spiritibus ducuntur qui rejiciunt doctrinalia fidei, et odio habent, ita Dominum, tum cum Verbum nihil curent, et sacramenta rejiciant, sciri potest quales sint quoad vitam, quod etiam fieri [putent] ex spiritu sancto concubitus suos, etiam nefandos promiscuos, nam dum in persuasione quod spiritus sanctos loquitur, et mandat, et sensibiliter moventur, sequitur quod hoc quoque extendat se ad concubitus, et [eos] sic ad nefanda ista excitari a spiritibus.

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