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《灵界经历》 第3789节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3789

3789. Spirits who are toward the front up above, who are evil, were lamenting upon hearing these things, unwilling that they should be as stated. I spoke with them, saying that they could know they are so, both from others who are speaking through them, and from those through whom they are speaking. And since it is factual that they are servants to others, and are considered as nothing by those who pour in such evils, [I asked] whether it would not be better to be led by good spirits, thus by the Lord - which condition is joined to happiness - while now, they are only tormented by not wanting it to be so. But they persist, in that although they know these facts are as stated, yet they still want to ignore them. 1748, 31 Oct.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3789

3789. The spirits who are above in front, and who are evil, grieved when these things were heard by them, being unwilling that the fact should be so. With these I spoke, [saying] that they might know, as well from others who speak through them, as from those through whom they themselves speak, that the fact is thus; and since it is, and they are the slaves of others by whom they are held for nothing, and who infuse evils, is it not better that they should be led by good spirits, thus by the Lord, with which happiness is conjoined, since otherwise they are tormented by an inward repugnance. But they still persist [in their conceits], inasmuch as though they know the fact to be so, they still wish not to know it. - 1748, October 31.

Experientiae Spirituales 3789 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3789. Spiritus qui antrorsum superius sunt, qui mali, lamentabantur cum haec iis audita, non volentes ut ita sit, cum quibus loquutus, quod scire possint tam ex aliis qui per eos loquutur, quam ex iis, per quos ii loquuntur, quod res ita se habeat, et cum ita sit, quod servi sint aliorum, et ab iis pro nihilo habeantur, qui tam mala infundunt, annon praestet, ut a bonis spiritibus, sic a Domino ducantur, quod conjunctum est cum felicitate, cum nunc [non] nisi torqueantur ex eo quod nolint: sed usque perisistunt, quod tametsi id ita esse sciant, usque velint ignorare quod ita sit. 1748, 31 Oct.

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