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《灵界经历》 第3815节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3815

3815. Certain Quakers spoke about those who originally became Quakers in such abundance, saying that their spirits at that time could not have consisted of, thus that they were others than Quakers. But they received the reply that almost all spirits of the world of spirits are such that they desire to possess, indeed to obsess humankind, and I know that every one of them wants to be called the holy spirit if only there are mediums who acknowledge and worship them. At that time, there were those from the world of spirits in general who possessed them, and were at that time driven by more fanatic emotions, which happens, moreover, in the case of all kinds of fanatics. But then followed the Quaker spirits, when they had taken on this nature, for their nature closely resembles that of those spirits, in that they do not admit others into their society, because their nature is separate from that of others. 1748, 1, 2 Nov.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3815

3815. Certain Quakers spoke concerning those who at first became Quakers in such abundance, [saying] that their spirits could not then have been Quakers, thus that they were of another character; but it was answered that almost all the spirits of the world of spirits were such as were bent upon possessing, yea, obsessing, man, and I know that everyone of them wishes to be called the Holy Spirit, provided only that there are subjects who may acknowledge and worship them. Those who then possessed them were from the world of spirits in general; they were also wrought upon by mere enthusiastic influences, which happens moreover in respect to all kinds of enthusiasts. But afterwards Quaker spirits succeeded, when the Quaker sect began, for they are closely congruous to their nature, nor do they admit others into society [with them], for their nature is distinct from the nature of others. - 1748, November 1, 2.

Experientiae Spirituales 3815 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3815. Loquuti sunt quidam Quakeri, de iis qui primum Quakeri tanta copia facti sunt, quod spiritus eorum tunc non potuisset constare ex Quakeris, sic quod alii essent, quam Quakeri, sed responsum, quod omnes fere spiritus mundi spirituum tales sint, ut possidere, imo obsidere hominem velint, et scio quod quisque eorum spiritus sanctus vocari vult, modo sint subjecta, qui eos agnoscant, et adorent; tunc e mundo spirituum in genere erant, qui eos possidebant: tunc etiam magis enthusiasticis motibus acti sunt; quod fit etiam circa quos vis enthusiastas; sed dein successerunt spiritus Quakeriani, cum tales facti sunt, nam ii naturae eorum proxime congruunt, nec admittunt alios in societatem, nam natura eorum separata est ab aliorum natura. 1748, 1. 2 Nov.

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