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《灵界经历》 第3817节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3817

3817. About auras

How auras interact and spirits are affected, was made clear when I was walking near a horse stable and smelled the horses' dung. Upright spirits at once complained that they could not stand the smell, because there immediately arose an aura of argumentation based on earthly things, making them feel the corresponding aura. This shows how the matter stands in other cases with regard to objects of smell, and of the other senses, as well as the objects of various thoughts, as well as of fantasy, all of which produce auras to which spiritual and heavenly things and thus their auras correspond. These affect spirits according to their quality, for auras are so to speak the atmospheres of spirits, in which they live. 1748, 2 Nov.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3817


In what manner spheres correspond and are effected was made apparent when I walked about a stable of horses and smelt their ordure, of which upright spirits immediately complained, [saying] that they could not endure that smell, because the sphere of reasonings from naturals forthwith occurred, and thus was felt the sphere to which it corresponded. Thus it appears in regard to other things how it sometimes is with the objects of smell and the other senses, as also with the objects of various thoughts, as also phantasies, which form spheres, to which correspond spiritual and celestial things, and thence their spheres, that affect according to the quality of spirits, for spheres are, as it were, the atmospheres of spirits in which they live. - 1748, November 2.

Experientiae Spirituales 3817 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3817. De sphaeris

Quomodo correspondent sphaerae, et afficiantur [spiritus], constitit, cum irem circa stabulum equorum, et inde odoratus fimum equorum, quod spiritus probi illico conquesti sint, quod non tolerare possent odorem istum, quia illico sphaera ratiocinationum ex naturalibus obvenit, et sic sentita sphaera cui correspondebat; inde constat in aliis, quomodo se habeant quandoque objecta odorum, et aliorum sensuum, tum objecta variarum cogitationum, sicut et phantasiae, quae omnium formant sphaeras, quibus correspondent spiritualia et coelestia, proinde eorum sphaerae, quae afficiunt secundum qualitatem spirituum, nam sphaerae sunt spirituum quasi atmosphaerae, in quibus vivunt. 1748, 2 Nov.

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