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《灵界经历》 第39节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 39

39. 1[The index refers also to no. 27.]

Humankind is viler than the beast, not knowing on their own the laws of order and of society, but having to learn them, and even then, they grasp at falsities as if they were truths, unlike beasts. For this reason, they must be regenerated [cf. 141a]. See also no. 27. 2[Regeneration; Society; Beast; Order]


1. 38 and 40 are listed together with the above explanation found only once - NewSearch98 footnote.

2. See Experiences Spirituales, Vol I, p. xxxi, loca 10, 12.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 39


That man is viler than the beasts; of himself he does not know the laws of order and of society but must learn them.


1. This is evidently the passage referred to in The Word Explained n. 5384, written July 11 Old Style, 1746:

"... the Law in internals is inscribed on everything, there being nothing in the universe that does not have this law inscribed upon it. What thing is there in the universe and in every part of the universe that does not carry order within itself: and if order, then also law ... As regards man, on him alone does it appear that it is not inscribed, for man is born viler than the brute. See below at the end of this Tome (III)."

Experientiae Spirituales 39 (original Latin 1748-1764)

39. [, [40] 1

Quod homo vilior bestia, non novit ex se leges ordinis et societatis, sed eas addiscet, et tunc arripit falsa pro veri: secus ac bestiae, quare regenerandus, n. 39, 40, tum, n. 27 [Regeneratio]

Quod homo vilior bestia, non novit ex se leges ordinis et societatis, sed eas addiscet, et tunc falsa pro veris arripit, secus ac bestia, quare regenerandus, n. 39, 40, tum n. 27 [Societas]

Quod homo vilior bestia, non novit ex se leges ordinis et societatis, sed eas addiscet, et falsa pro veris arripit, secus ac bestiae; quare regenerandus, n. 39, 40. [Bestia]

Quod homo vilior bestia, non novit ex se leges ordinis et societatis, sed eas addiscet, et falsa pro veris eligit, secus ac bestiae, quare regenerandus, n. 39, 40. [Ordo] [Vide etiam 27.]


1. huc fortasse refertur in [141a]; ut et in Explicatione III 3333. ubi dicitur: Quod hominem attinet, ei soti apparet [Lex] non inscripta, nam nascitur viliorbruto:videinfra ad calcem hujus tomi; vide etiam in praefatione hujus voluminis sub capite 'The missing numbers,'" loca 10, 12

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