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《灵界经历》 第3944节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3944

3944. About those who become bony

It was shown how other spirits speak through those who represent the bones, namely that they know only slightly, depending upon the quality of the bones, what they are saying, but nevertheless they do speak, for which reason mental images can be materialized especially by means of them, for as they offer no resistance, they do not hinder the process. But such spirits, because they lose nothing of their former life, after they have been reduced by means of purgings into that bony condition, can still be restored. Therefore they are purged in turns until they are able to serve such uses. 1748, 11 Nov.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3944


It was shown how other spirits speak through those that represent the bones, [viz.] that in accordance with the quality of bones, they know very little what they say, but yet they speak; wherefore through them mainly ideas may be terminated in material things, for they, as it were, present no impediment, because there is nothing of resistance. But yet such [spirits], because they lose nothing of their former life, after they are reduced by vastation into such a bony state may be restored: accordingly they are vastated by turns until they are able to subserve such uses. - 1748, November 11.

Experientiae Spirituales 3944 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3944. De iis qui ossei fiunt

Ostensum, quomodo alii spiritus per eos, qui ossa referunt, loquuntur, quod parum modo, secundum ossium qualitatem, sciant, quid loquuntur, sed usque loquuntur, quare per eos imprimis terminari possunt ideae in materialibus, nam sicut nulla impedimenta sunt quia nihil renuentiae; sed usque tales, quia nihil amittunt a vita priori, postquam per vastationes in statum talem osseum redacti sunt, restitui possunt, sic usque dum possint usibus istis inservire, per vices vastantur. 1748, 11 Nov.

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