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《灵界经历》 第4001节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4001

4001. About the memory of spirits

If spirits had use of the bodily memory, no spirit would be able to be present with a person, who would then die, for there cannot be two memories acting simultaneously, in which case they would take away the person's memory and think from their own, both speaking at the same time like obsessed people. Moreover it is not granted to any spirit to teach, and thus not to lead man, except by his desires, but the Lord wishes alone to teach and to lead mankind - which would never be possible if a spirit had anything of the bodily memory. 1748, 19 Nov.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4001


If spirits enjoyed corporeal memory, no spirit could be with man, consequently he would die; for there cannot be two memories acting simultaneously; as in that case the memory of the spirit would take away that of the man, and the spirit would think from his own memory; and if the man then spoke it would be a kind of speaking together, as in the case of obsession. Besides, it is not allowed to any spirit to teach man, nor consequently to lead him, except from cupidity; but the Lord alone wills to teach man and lead him, which could never be done if ought of corporeal memory pertained to a spirit. - 1748, November 19.

Experientiae Spirituales 4001 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4001. De memoria spirituum

Si spiritus gauderent memoria corporea, nullus spiritus potuisset esse apud hominem, sic moreretur, nam binae memoriae simul agentes non possunt dari, nisi adimerent homini ejus memoriam, et ex sua cogitarent, et simul tunc loquerentur, sicut obsessi; et praeterea nulli spiritui concessum est docere hominem, proinde non ducere, nisi ex cupiditate, sed Dominus Solus vult docere et ducere hominem, quod nusquam fieret, si aliquid memoriae corporeae esset spiritui. 1748, 19 Nov.

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