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《灵界经历》 第4011节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4011

4011. About the memory

One was portrayed who during his life had cultivated only his memory, and had measured everyone's intelligence and wisdom by their memory, considering a person to have as much wisdom as the amount [of knowledge] he retained in his memory, whereas just the contrary is the case, namely that one is less wise, the more one retains in the bodily memory. That person's quality of life was portrayed by an animal seen in dim light, of a yellow color, as a horse, as a cow, as a calf, as a dog. It was the portrayal of a horse, and the portrayal of those that followed arose in that horse, so that it was as it were a single animal, in which were all those others, or an animal composed of them. It was said that it was not a horse, yet was a horse, not a cow yet was a cow, not a calf yet was a calf, not a dog yet was a dog. Thus a single animal is sometimes portrayed in which are other animals, as in a composite.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4011


A certain one was represented, who, during his life, had cultivated the memory only, and had placed in the memory all intelligence and wisdom, supposing that a man was wise according to the treasures laid up in his memory, when yet the contrary rather is true, viz. that a man is less wise in proportion to what he retains in the corporeal memory. The quality of his life also was represented by an animal of a yellow hue seen in an obscure light, as a horse, as a heifer, as a bullock, as a dog. It was mainly the representation of a horse, but the representation of the others successively followed, though still in the same subject, so that it was an animal, as it were, in which were all the rest, or an animal composed of them. It was said that it was not a horse, and yet it was a horse, not a heifer, and yet a heifer, not a bullock, and yet a bullock, and not a dog, and yet a dog; thus an animal was from time to time represented in which, as in a compound, the others were included.

Experientiae Spirituales 4011 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4011. De memoria

Repraesentatus quidam, qui solum memoriae studuit in vita, ac in memoria posuit omnium intelligentiam et sapientiam, putans quod tantum sapiat homo, quantum memoria tenet, cum tamen potius contrarium est, quod tantum minus sapiat, quantum memoria corporea tenet; repraesentata ejus vita qualis, per animal visum in obscura luce, flavum, ut equus, ut vacca, ut vitulus, ut canis, erat repraesentatio equi, et subibat repraesentatio sequentium in eodem, sic ut esset quasi animal, unum, in quo omnia ista, seu animal ex iis compositum, dictum quod non equus usque equus, non vacca sed vacca, non vitulus sed vitulus, non canis sed canis, ita unum animal quandoque repraesentatur, in quo ut in composito caetera.

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