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《灵界经历》 第4149节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4149

4149. Holy truths are found in a certain place of the head

When angelic spirits spoke to the effect that it was not the true inner sense that had been written on those days or on that day, then it was granted them to examine whether it was true. They searched thoroughly, and to be sure, high and low, with the clear sense that the truth was there by means of penetrating thoughts, in a certain place in the left side of the head, where truths and falsities reside, while in the right side of the head are passions. It was a certain place in the left side of the head, and they were told that they should search there, which they did. Thus it is clear that certain truths and falsities are found in certain places of the left side of the head - which surprised me - and not elsewhere, so that truths and falsities have their own places in the head. When there is a falsity, the head in that place hardens, and hurts when it is looked into or explored by angelic spirits, causing torment; but when there are truths, then it is soft, and this is done without pain, and it can therefore be examined by angelic spirits. 1749, 21 Febr. 1


1. Astrological symbol of Mars, meaning Tuesday.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4149


When angelic spirits spoke respecting the circumstance, that it was not the true internal sense which was written in those days, or in that day, it was given them to inspect whether the assertion were true. They made their researches deeply and profoundly, and with a clear sense that the truth was then in a certain region, to which the thoughts penetrated, in the left side of the head, where are truths and falsities, just as in the right side of the head are cupidities. It was, as I remarked, a certain place in the left region of the head, and it was said to them that they should search there, which was done [and with the result described]. Hence it may appear that certain truths and falsities are to be found in certain places on the left side of the head. I wondered at this, but could come to no other conclusion, but that such is the fact; so that truths and falses have their own places in the head. Where the false exists then that part of the head is indurated and is pained even to torture when inspected or explored by angelic spirits, but when truths exist, then the part is soft and free from pain, and may thus be inspected by angelic spirits. - 1749, February 21.

Experientiae Spirituales 4149 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4149. Quod veritates sanctae inveniantur in certo loco capitis

Cum loquuti sunt spiritus angelici de eo, quod non verus sensus internus, qui scriptus diebus illis, vel die illo, tunc datum iis inspicere, num verum, tunc perscrutabantur et quidem alte et profunde, cum manifesto sensu quod ibi cogitationibus penetrantibus, certo loco capitis sinistri, ubi sunt veritates et falsitates, at in dextra capitis parte sunt cupiditates, erat certus locus in sinistra parte capitis, et dictum quod ibi scrutarentur, quod factum, inde constare potest, quod veritates et falsitates certae inveniantur in certis locis capitis sinistri, quod miratus, et non alibi, sic ut vera et falsa sua loca habeant in capite, cum falsum, ibi loci caput induratum, et dolet cum inspicitur, seu exploratur ab angelicis spiritibus, et cruciatur, at cum veritates tunc est molle, et fit absque dolore; sic inspici potest ab angelicis spiritibus. 1749, 21 Febr.

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