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《灵界经历》 第4156节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4156

4156. Marriage love

Marriage love was being portrayed in a Paradisal environment, by diamond-like auras shimmering as if from rubies and bronze. There were some there little known to me in their bodily life, who when marriage love was so portrayed to them, looking on with delightful pleasure, declared that no mental image so delightful could ever be thought of, having such diamond-like life as described, and many more unutterable expressions to the innermost delight of the mind. Marriage love is portrayed there in this way.

I then spoke with one of them, saying that marriage love, from the heavenly marriage, thus from the Lord, and from His Mercy toward the human race, is the principal and fundamental of all loves according to which heavenly societies are distinguished, and he was surprised that the human race does not know this, and cares little about it. 1749, 1 March. 1


1. Astrological symbol of Mercury, meaning Wednesday.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4156


Conjugial love was represented near the scene of Paradisaical joys, by adamantine [or diamond-like] auras, sparkling as from rubies or carbuncles. There were certain ones present who were but little known to me during their bodily life, and to whom when conjugial love was thus represented, they said, under the influence of the admiration prompted by the delicious sweetness of their sensations that by no idea could such exquisite delight, such a diamond life, be conceived of, or its many unutterable accompaniments which thrilled the soul to its center with bliss. Such was there the representation of conjugial love. I afterwards conversed with one that was present, saying, that conjugial love flowing from the heavenly marriage, thus from the Lord and from his compassion towards the human race, was the principal and fundamental of all the loves by which the celestial societies are distinguished, and he could not but wonder that the human race is ignorant of it, and cares scarcely at all about it. - 1749, March 1.

Experientiae Spirituales 4156 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4156. Amor conjugialis

Amor conjugialis repraesentabatur ibi fere ubi Paradisiaca, per auras adamantinas, sicut ex rubinis seu pyropis scintillantes, erant quidam ibi, qui parum cogniti mihi in vita eorum corporis, quibus cum repraesentabatur ita amor conjugialis, ex delitiosa amaenitate admirantes, dicebant quod nusquam idea aliqua possit cogitari, tantae delitiae, talis vita adamantina, ut dictum, et plurima quae nusquam edici possunt, ad delitium animi intimum, talis repraesentatur amor conjugialis ibi: cum illo dein loquutus, quod amor conjugialis, ex conjugio coelesti, ita ex Domino, ac Ipsius Misericordia erga genus humanum, sit principalis et fundamentalis omnium amorum, in quos societates coelestes distinctae sunt: qui miratus quod humanum genus id nesciat, et parum curet. 1749, 1 Martius.

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